Johann Heinrich Hochhuth

* 1810 Kassel
† 1872

Johann Heinrich Hochhuth

Johann Hochhuth was one of the most significant amateur collectors and naturalists of the 19th century in Ukraine and other countries of Eastern Europe. His collection of Coleoptera has an immense amount of scientific material which is actual even nowadays. Cryptophagidae in Johann Hochhuth's collection is only a small but significant part of collection which can be used as a comparative material for newer gatherings. The author provides some historical facts about the collector and a detailed description of his silken-fungus beetles collection. This collection consists of 214 Cryptophagidae specimens belonging to 50 species of the family. The author also revised all of the specimens, clarified the identification of the species, updated the identification or species names if they weren't revised earlier, and indicated the most unique specimens of the collection. The collection includes only specimens from the territory of Kyiv and Kyiv Oblast, and some specimens collected by other collectors, such as Wilhelm Rosengauer (Austria and Germany), Christian Suffrian (Germany), Ernst von Ballion (Russia), Oleksandr Czekanowski (Ukraine) and others. The collection is undoubtedly important for the study of morphological peculiarities of some rare species of the Cryptophagidae family compared to recently collected specimens. The accumulation of the information about the silken-fungus beetle fauna of Ukraine will make it possible to generalise the list of species in the studied region. This entomological collection is part of the history of the formation of modern large zoological collections through the difficult path from J. H. Hochhuth's collection, the part of M. Cherkunov's collection, the natural history collections of the Pedagogical Museum of Kyiv to the collections of the National Museum of Natural History, NAS of Ukraine. Its materials are a complete composition of Cryptophagidae species that were collected in the territory of Kyiv and Kyiv Oblast in the middle of the 19th century. This article also contains important biographical information on Johann Heinrich Hochhuth’s life, education, and scientific achievements.


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