Adolphe Boucard

Adolphe Boucard

* 1839 France
† 15.3.1905 Hampstead, UK

Adolphe Boucard

BOUCARD was a natural history dealer. The main part of his collection - 25.000 skins - came to the Natural History Museum in Paris between 1895 and 1904. The Natural History Museum in Washington USNM received 10.000 duplicates and further 8000 specimens came to the museums in Madrid and Lisbon. BOUCARD collected already between 1851 and 1852 in the vicinity of San Francisco. His main interest focused on hummingbirds. During the 1850s he lived in Mexico, but worked also in Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Panama and South America. In 1889 he returned to France where he purchased the collection from Compte de RIOCOUR, which he sold to the British Museum. Around 1890 he moved his firm to London (BOUCARD, POTTIER & Co.). In 1894 he retired to his villa near Ryde, Isle of Wight and sold off most of his collections. In 1905 he died at his son’s residence at Hampstead. A collection of Coleoptera was distributed via ROSENBERG in 1905.

HORN et al., 1990: Collectiones entomologicae. — Berlin. MEARNS B. & MEARNS R., 1998: The Bird Collectors. — Academic Press, London, 301ff.
ROUNDS R.S., 1990: Men and Birds in South America 1492 to 1900. — Q.E.D. Press, Fort Bragg, California. 117 ff.
Die historische Portraitsammlung der Lepidoptera-Sammlung im Naturhistorischen Museum Wien - Vom Standesportrait bis zum "Entomologen-Selfie" des 19. Jahrhunderts (aus Quadrifinia 12, p. 55)

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