Biosystematics and Ecology, Verlag Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien 11

Series/Periodical/Journal: Biosystematics and Ecology

Editors: Kommission für Interdisziplinäre Ökologische Studien Bäckerstraße 5 / 1. Stock A-1010 Wien Tel: +43-1-51581 3200 Fax: +43-1-51581 3203 E-Mail: URL:
Publisher: Die Biosystematics and Ecology Series wurde 1993 von der Vorgängerkommission der heutigen KIÖS, der Kommission für Biosystematik und Ökologie gegründet. Herausgeber der Serie war damals Professor Morawetz. Neben allgemeinen wissenschaftlichen Beiträgen die konform mit dem Mission Statement der KIÖS sind, werden der Catalogus Florae Austriae, die Checklisten der Fauna Österreichs und der Catalogus Novus Faunae Austriae herausgegeben. Die Kataloge und Checklisten unterscheiden sich darin, dass Checklisten eine Auflistung aller betreffenden dokumentierten Arten darstellen, wogegen ein Catalogus zusätzlich genauere Artbeschreibungen enthält. Die Biosystematics and Ecology Series ist somit die zentrale Publikationsserie, die die Dokumentation der Biodiversität, eine Hauptaufgabe der KIÖS, darstellt.
Aufstellung beim Herausgeber
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Articles (23)

  • Günther Schefbeck (1996): On the pathways of the "Pola" expeditions. The Austro-Hungarian Deep-Sea Expeditions. In: Deep Sea and Extreme Shallow-water Habitats: Affinities and Adaptations. – Biosystematics and Ecology – 11: 1 - 27.
  • Verena Stagl, Helmut Sattmann, Peter C. Dworschak (1996): On the pathways of the "Pola" expeditions. The material of the Pola Red Sea expeditions (1895-1898) in the collections of the Natural History Museum in Vienna. In: Deep Sea and Extreme Shallow-water Habitats: Affinities and Adaptations. – Biosystematics and Ecology – 11: 29 - 41.
  • Michael Türkay (1996): On the pathways of the "Pola" expeditions. Composition of the deepp Red Sea macro- and megabenthic invertebrate fauna. Zoogeographic and ecological implications. In: Deep Sea and Extreme Shallow-water Habitats: Affinities and Adaptations. – Biosystematics and Ecology – 11: 43 - 59.
  • Dieter Fiege, Yulin Liao (1996): On the pathways of the "Pola" expeditions. Penilpidia ludwigi (Marenzeller, 1893) (Holothurioidea: Elpidiidae) rediscoveres from the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. In: Deep Sea and Extreme Shallow-water Habitats: Affinities and Adaptations. – Biosystematics and Ecology – 11: 61 - 66.
  • Hans Fricke (1996): On the pathways of the "Pola" expeditions. Deep-water exploration of the Red Sea by submersible. In: Deep Sea and Extreme Shallow-water Habitats: Affinities and Adaptations. – Biosystematics and Ecology – 11: 67 - 89.
  • Jakob Parzefall (1996): I. Light. Behavioural and morphological changes caused by light conditions in deep-sea and shallow-water habitats. In: Deep Sea and Extreme Shallow-water Habitats: Affinities and Adaptations. – Biosystematics and Ecology – 11: 91 - 122.
  • Dan Luca Danielopol, Angel Baltanás, Gioacchino Bonaduce (1996): I. Light. The darkness syndrome in subsurface-shallow and deep-sea dwelling Ostracoda (Crustacea). In: Deep Sea and Extreme Shallow-water Habitats: Affinities and Adaptations. – Biosystematics and Ecology – 11: 123 - 143.
  • Enriqueta Rodriguez (1996): I. Light. Light responses and eye regression in cavernicolous animals from the Jameos del Agua (Lanzarote, Canary Islands). In: Deep Sea and Extreme Shallow-water Habitats: Affinities and Adaptations. – Biosystematics and Ecology – 11: 145 - 150.
  • Yuri I. Sazonov (1996): I. Light. Morphology and significance of the luminous organs in alepocephaloid fishes. In: Deep Sea and Extreme Shallow-water Habitats: Affinities and Adaptations. – Biosystematics and Ecology – 11: 151 - 163.
  • Franz Uiblein (1996): I. Light. Constraints and exploratory windows in light-reduced marine habitats. In: Deep Sea and Extreme Shallow-water Habitats: Affinities and Adaptations. – Biosystematics and Ecology – 11: 165 - 182.
  • Hjalmar Thiel, Hans-Otto Pörtner, Wolf E. Arntz (1996): II. Temperature. Marine life at low temperatures - a comparison of polar and deep-sea characteristics. In: Deep Sea and Extreme Shallow-water Habitats: Affinities and Adaptations. – Biosystematics and Ecology – 11: 183 - 219.
  • Karl J. Wittmann (1996): II. Temperature. Morphological and reproductive adaptions in Antarctic meso- to bathypelagic Mysidacea, with description of Mysifaun erigens n.g. n.sp. In: Deep Sea and Extreme Shallow-water Habitats: Affinities and Adaptations. – Biosystematics and Ecology – 11: 221 - 231.
  • Gil T. Rowe (1996): III. Food scarcity. The cycling of organic matter in food-limited environments. In: Deep Sea and Extreme Shallow-water Habitats: Affinities and Adaptations. – Biosystematics and Ecology – 11: 233 - 260.
  • Paul A. Tyler (1996): III. Food scarcity. Faunal responses to temporal disequilibrium in the deep sea. – Biosystematics and Ecology – 11: 261 - 270.
  • Orit Goldshmidt, Bella Galil, Daniel Golani, Boaz Lazar, Jonathan Erez, Avi Baranes (1996): III. Food scarcity. Food selection and habitat preferences in deep-sea fishes of the northern Red Sea. – Biosystematics and Ecology – 11: 271 - 298.
  • Jean Vacelet (1996): III. Food scarcity. Deep-sea sponges in a Mediterranean cave. – Biosystematics and Ecology – 11: 299 - 312.
  • Charles Fisher (1996): IV. Unusual energy sources. Ecophysiology of primary production at deep-sea vents and seeps. – Biosystematics and Ecology – 11: 313 - 336.
  • Martin F. Polz, M. Cavanaugh (1996): IV. Unusual energy sources. The ecology of ectosymbiosis at a Mid-Atlantic Ridge hydrothermal vent site. – Biosystematics and Ecology – 11: 337 - 352.
  • Olav Giere (1996): IV. Unusual energy sources. Bacterial endosymbioses in marine littoral worms. – Biosystematics and Ecology – 11: 353 - 367.
  • Jörg A. Ott (1996): IV. Unusual energy sources. Sulphide ectosymbioses in shallow marine habitats. – Biosystematics and Ecology – 11: 369 - 382.
  • Luiz Saldanha, Manuel Biscoito, Daniel Desbruyeres (1996): IV. Unusual energy sources. The Azorean deep-sea hydrothermal ecosystem: Ist recent discovery. – Biosystematics and Ecology – 11: 383 - 388.
  • Introductery Note. In: Deep Sea and Extreme Shallow-water Habitats: Affinities and Adaptations. …Jörg Ott, Michael Stachowitsch, Franz Uiblein
    Jörg Ott, Michael Stachowitsch, Franz Uiblein (1996): Introductery Note. In: Deep Sea and Extreme Shallow-water Habitats: Affinities and Adaptations. III-IV – Biosystematics and Ecology – 11.
  • Preface of the Series Editors. In: Deep Sea and Extreme Shallow-water Habitats: Affinities and…Hans Christoph Winkler, Wilfried Morawetz
    Hans Christoph Winkler, Wilfried Morawetz (1996): Preface of the Series Editors. In: Deep Sea and Extreme Shallow-water Habitats: Affinities and Adaptations. I-II – Biosystematics and Ecology – 11.