Biosystematics and Ecology, Verlag Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien 18

Series/Periodical/Journal: Biosystematics and Ecology

Editors: Kommission für Interdisziplinäre Ökologische Studien Bäckerstraße 5 / 1. Stock A-1010 Wien Tel: +43-1-51581 3200 Fax: +43-1-51581 3203 E-Mail: URL:
Publisher: Die Biosystematics and Ecology Series wurde 1993 von der Vorgängerkommission der heutigen KIÖS, der Kommission für Biosystematik und Ökologie gegründet. Herausgeber der Serie war damals Professor Morawetz. Neben allgemeinen wissenschaftlichen Beiträgen die konform mit dem Mission Statement der KIÖS sind, werden der Catalogus Florae Austriae, die Checklisten der Fauna Österreichs und der Catalogus Novus Faunae Austriae herausgegeben. Die Kataloge und Checklisten unterscheiden sich darin, dass Checklisten eine Auflistung aller betreffenden dokumentierten Arten darstellen, wogegen ein Catalogus zusätzlich genauere Artbeschreibungen enthält. Die Biosystematics and Ecology Series ist somit die zentrale Publikationsserie, die die Dokumentation der Biodiversität, eine Hauptaufgabe der KIÖS, darstellt.
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Articles (12)

  • Introduction. In: HOI, Herbert The ecology of reed birds. Herbert Hoi, Hans Christoph Winkler
    Herbert Hoi, Hans Christoph Winkler (2002): Introduction. In: HOI, Herbert The ecology of reed birds. – Biosystematics and Ecology – 18: 7 - 8.
  • Factors influencing passerine bird communities breeding in a changing marshland. In: HOI, …András Báldi
    András Báldi (2002): Factors influencing passerine bird communities breeding in a changing marshland. In: HOI, Herbert The ecology of reed birds. – Biosystematics and Ecology – 18: 11 - 25.
  • Factors influencing nest depredation in European Reed Passerines. In: HOI, Herbert The ecology…Herbert Hoi, Alzbeta Darolova, Jan Kristofik
    Herbert Hoi, Alzbeta Darolova, Jan Kristofik (2002): Factors influencing nest depredation in European Reed Passerines. In: HOI, Herbert The ecology of reed birds. – Biosystematics and Ecology – 18: 27 - 36.
  • Reed bed quality and decline of some breeding bird populations. In: HOI, Herbert The ecology of…Gerhard H. J. Kroon
    Gerhard H.J. Kroon (2002): Reed bed quality and decline of some breeding bird populations. In: HOI, Herbert The ecology of reed birds. – Biosystematics and Ecology – 18: 37 - 46.
  • Food resources and territory quality in the polygynous Great Reed Warbler. In: HOI, Herbert The…Staffan Bensch, Dennis Hasselquist, Bo Nielsen, Claes Nihlén, Peter Frodin
    Staffan Bensch, Dennis Hasselquist, Bo Nielsen, Claes Nihlén, Peter Frodin (2002): Food resources and territory quality in the polygynous Great Reed Warbler. In: HOI, Herbert The ecology of reed birds. – Biosystematics and Ecology – 18: 49 - 71.
  • Habitat selection and habitat use of the Bearded Tit (Panurus biarmicus). In: HOI, Herbert The…Herbert Hoi, Christine Hoi
    Herbert Hoi, Christine Hoi (2002): Habitat selection and habitat use of the Bearded Tit (Panurus biarmicus). In: HOI, Herbert The ecology of reed birds. – Biosystematics and Ecology – 18: 73 - 86.
  • The function of inter- and intraspecific territoriality in warblers of the genus Acrocephalus. …Helmut Laußmann, Bernd Leisler
    Helmut Laußmann, Bernd Leisler (2002): The function of inter- and intraspecific territoriality in warblers of the genus Acrocephalus. In: HOI, Herbert The ecology of reed birds. – Biosystematics and Ecology – 18: 87 - 110.
  • The role of simple song in the Marsh Warbler (Acrocephalus palustris). In: HOI, Herbert The…Rottraut Ille, Herbert Hoi
    Rottraut Ille, Herbert Hoi (2002): The role of simple song in the Marsh Warbler (Acrocephalus palustris). In: HOI, Herbert The ecology of reed birds. – Biosystematics and Ecology – 18: 111 - 119.
  • Intrasexual selection in Bearded Tits: Beard length - a reliable predictor for dominance rank. …Herbert Hoi, Christine Hoi
    Herbert Hoi, Christine Hoi (2002): Intrasexual selection in Bearded Tits: Beard length - a reliable predictor for dominance rank. In: HOI, Herbert The ecology of reed birds. – Biosystematics and Ecology – 18: 121 - 138.
  • Do female Moustached Warblers Acrocephalus melanopogon choose complex song? - A mate choice…Birgit Freßl, Herbert Hoi
    Birgit Freßl, Herbert Hoi (2002): Do female Moustached Warblers Acrocephalus melanopogon choose complex song? - A mate choice experiment. In: HOI, Herbert The ecology of reed birds. – Biosystematics and Ecology – 18: 139 - 149.
  • The role of tail length for flight performance in the Bearded Tit (Panurus biarmicus): A tail…Mariló Romero-Pujante, Herbert Hoi, Hans Christoph Winkler
    Mariló Romero-Pujante, Herbert Hoi, Hans Christoph Winkler (2002): The role of tail length for flight performance in the Bearded Tit (Panurus biarmicus): A tail elongation experiment. In: HOI, Herbert The ecology of reed birds. – Biosystematics and Ecology – 18: 151 - 160.
  • An experimental study of short-term parental feeding adjustment in Acrocephalus warblers. In:…Sonia Kleindorfer, Rottraut Ille, Maria K. Hoi-Leitner, Herbert Hoi
    Sonia Kleindorfer, Rottraut Ille, Maria K. Hoi-Leitner, Herbert Hoi (2002): An experimental study of short-term parental feeding adjustment in Acrocephalus warblers. In: HOI, Herbert The ecology of reed birds. – Biosystematics and Ecology – 18: 161 - 177.