Lauterbornia. Zeitschrift für Faunistik und Floristik des Süßwassers. Adaptions and extensions to the "Guide to the Identification of Genera of Chironomid Pupal Exuviae occuring in Britain and Ireland" (Wilson & Ruse 2005) for the Central European Fauna and adjacent areas. 2008_64

Series/Periodical/Journal: Lauterbornia

Editors: Autorenrichtlinien: Autorenrichtlinien
Publisher: Internationale Zeitschrift für Faunistik und Floristik des Süßwassers Erik Mauch Verlag, Dr. Erik Mauch, Mühlangerstraße 11, D-86424 Dinkelscherben; Url:, E-Mail: Tel.: +49(08292)2212 Fax: +49(08292)950778 USt-ID: DE811462948 Verantwortlich für den Inhalt nach § 55 Abs. 2 RStV: Dr. Erik Mauch


Articles (1)

  • Adaptions and extensions to the "Guide to the Identification of Genera of Chironomid Pupal Exuviae…Claus Orendt
    Claus Orendt (2008): Adaptions and extensions to the "Guide to the Identification of Genera of Chironomid Pupal Exuviae occuring in Britain and Ireland" (Wilson & Ruse 2005) for the Central European Fauna and adjacent areas. – Lauterbornia – 2008_64: 1 - 28.