Metazoa Chordata Aves Podicipediformes Podicipedidae Podiceps

Podiceps cristatus (Linnaeus, 1758)

Occurrence ID: 6670679
det.: Martin Brader, Garsten; Stephan Weigl, Linz-Dornach
date: unknown
number: 1
age: ind
behaviour (birds): O


location: Kronstorf
federal state: Oberösterreich
country: Österreich
site of observation: Tha1, Stausee Thaling
altitude of breeding burrow: 265
geographic coordinates: 48° 7' 30" N, 14° 28' 30" O
accuracy (meters): 500m
sea level: 260m - 280m
MTB (Messtischblatt): 7852/4


date: 14.3.2004 (