Dr. Adriano Zanetti; Foto: Zanetti

Dr. Adriano Zanetti

* 29.4.1950

Dr. Adriano Zanetti

Adriano Zanetti, of Verona, Italy, was born on April 29, 1950. He became interested in the Staphylinidae when he was 18. He worked as a teacher of biology in the high schools from 1974 to 2007, now he is retired but still very active in entomology as a collaborator at the Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Verona. He is interested in the Coleoptera Staphilinidae for Italy, in the palaearctic Omaliinae, and in the genus Eusphalerum of the word. He has published a book on the entire fauna of the Omaliinae of Italy, has been publishing a series of articles revising Eusphalerum, and a number contributions on the palaearctic, mostly Italian, Staphylinidae. The list of his publications includes almost 100 titles.
53. Deutsches Koleopterologentreffen (aus Mitt. Ent. Ver. Stuttgart 46)

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