Peter Neerup Buhl; Foto Archiv Peter Neerup Buhl

Peter Neerup Buhl

* 4.3.1968

Peter Neerup Buhl

He was born 4 March, 1968, employed at the Zoological Museum in Copenhagen in the years 2000-2002, but not much employment in that business, so otherwise working on entomology in his spare time (earning money as a translator for television). He has collected Hymenoptera since 1984, specializing in Platygastridae, having described well over 1000 new species. Collaborator on various projects, most notably the Swedish Malaise Trap Project (since 2005).

Publication list Peter Neerup Buhl (1988-2014)
Species described by Peter Neerup Buhl (1988-2014)

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