Manfred Jäch, Wien, September 2019; Foto Fritz Gusenleitner

Hofrat Dr. Manfred A. Jäch

* 1.9.1958

Hofrat Dr. Manfred A. Jäch

Manfred A. Jäch was born in September 1958 in Scheibbs, Lower Austria. During the years 1976 - 1983 he attended the University of Vienna. In 1980/81 his doctoral thesis, which was almost purely taxonomic-faunistic, led him to Ceylon (Sri Lanka) where he spent several months to explore the water beetle fauna of the mountain streams. He obtained his Ph.D. in Zoology in 1983. In 1985 Manfred Jäch followed an invitation to Israel, where he spent 8 months as post-doctoral fellow at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and at the Ben Gurion University, Beer Sheva, taking part in ambicious mapping projects on the aquatic fauna. Since September 1985 he keeps a permanent position as a research scientist and curator of the Coleoptera Aquatica at the Entomology Department of the Vienna Natural History Museum. Since then, he has carried out numerous expeditions and research trips, mainly to Turkey, China, and Southeast Asia. Manfred Jäch married in 1993 and is father of two sons and one daughter. He is an authority on water beetles. Together with fellow coleopterists at his department he established the World Water Beetle Collection & Research Center at the Vienna Natural History Museum, and he is the scientific director of the China Water Beetle Survey.
Homepage Manfred Jäch

Publikationsverzeichnis Hofrat Manfred Jäch, Stand 2007
Manfred Jäch, eine Reise nach Kolumbien(aus Das Naturhistorische, Herbst 2016)
Manfred Jäch und der Takin in Bhutan (aus Archiv Biologiezentrum Linz)
Bild aus der Linzer Entomologentagung 1989 (aus Archiv Biologiezentrum Linz)

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