Prof. Dr. Mag. Ing. Verena Winiwarter

Prof. Dr. Mag. Ing. Verena Winiwarter

is Professor of Environmental History at Alpen-Adria-
Universität Klagenfurt since 2007. First trained as a chemical engineer, she holds a
PhD in Environmental History from Vienna University, where she was granted the
venia legendi in Human Ecology in 2003. Her research interests comprise the history
of rivers, landscapes, tourism and its images, and the environmental history
of soils. She led two interdisciplinary projects to reconstruct the Danube and the
smaller Viennese Rivers and trace their history over more than 450 years and one
to study the evolution of Alpine Ski Tourism in Austria. A full member of the Austrian
Academy of Sciences, she has published numerous articles and edited several
books. In 2014, she was Austrian Scientist of the Year, her popular “Umwelt hat
Geschichte. 60 Reisen durch die Zeit” (2014) was elected ‘Umweltbuch des Jahres’
in Germany. For her current sabbatical (3-9/2017), she has joined IIASA’s Risk and
Resilience Program to bring environmental history and risk research into contact.

Zur Biografie von Vereina Winiwarter (aus KIOES Opinions 11)

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