Theodor Angele
Biografie Theodor Angele (Gebhardt L., 1964, Die Ornithologen Mitteleuropas)
studied at the technical university in Stuttgart and started a career as railway engineer with numerous projects in the Austrian-Hungarian monarchy in 1869. 1871 he married J. RÖSSLER in Iglau (4 children). After his wife's death he married a second time in 1882, P. SCHWAB (4 children). As railway engineer he worked in Austria, Moravia, Bohemia, Silesia, Galicia, Hungary, Siebenbürgen, Bukowina and Romania (ASCHAUER 1964) and founded his own firm in 1875. In 1897 he started a co-operation with Th. HOCK (HOCK & ANGELE, Linz, until 1905). From 1889 until 1893 he lived in Brno, Moravia (now Czech Republic), where he became member of "Naturforschende Gesellschaft Brünn" in 1891 (Anonymus 1892). As an ardent hunter he began playing with the idea of carrying together a world-wide collection of birds of prey and owls in 1892. Since 1894 he kept his residence in Linz, Austria. From 1895 until 1915 (irregularly until 1925) he devoted his spare-time in building up his bird-collection consisting mainly of birds of prey and owls using personal links all over the world. Th. ANGELE did not publish a single word about his huge collection. Because of financial problems after the first world war Angele planned to sell his collection to various European museums. But he did not succeed. After his death the collection was stored as a legacy at the Museum of Upper Austria. In 1941 the museum bought the whole collection from the Angele family.
ASCHAUER F. (1964): Oberösterreichs Eisenbahnen.-Schriftenr. OÖ. Landesbaudirektion 18: 291 pp.
KERSCHNER T. (1942): Berichte über wissenschaftliche Tätigkeit im Gau. 4. Zoologie. 1941. [Theodor Angele]. - Jb. Ver. Landeskde. Heimatpfl. Oberdonau 90: 343-346.
KERSCHNER T. (1942): Unsichtbare Linzer Museumsschätze: Raubvögel aus der ganzen Welt. Die 1941 erworbene Sammlung Angele - Viele Seltenheiten und ausgestorbenen Arten - Raummangel verhindert die Ausstellung. -Volksstimme 29.11.1942
KLOIBER Ä. (1953): Sonderausstellung: Die Raubvögel der Welt - Collection Angele. "Kat., 32 S. Linz.
KLOIBER Ä. (1954): Collection Theodor Angele: Die Raubvögel der Welt. - Oberösterreichischer Kulturbericht 1/1954: 3 S.
KLOIBER Ä. (1954): Die Raubvögel der Welt - Collection Theodor Angele. - Mitteilungsblatt der Museen Österreichs 3: 11-15.
KLOIBER Ä. (1955): Theodor Angele und seine Raubvogelsammlung.- Notring Almanach: 46-47.
TRATZ E.P. (1954): Würdigung. - Der Anblick 8/1954: 306-307.
Ausstellung Theodor Angele in Linz (aus Vogelkundliche Nachrichten, Bd. 5)
Nachruf Theodor Angele (aus Kataloge Oberösterreichisches Landesmuseum, Bd. 15)
Zur Biografie von Theodor Angele (aus Vogelkundliche Nachrichten 5)
Die Raubvogelsammlung Theodor Angele (aus Notring Almanach 46-47)
Die Raubvögel-Kollektion Theodor Angele (aus Oberösterr. Kulturbericht)