Ludwig von Führer

* 25.8.1866 Czernovitz, Bukowina
† 18.2.1937

Ludwig von Führer

FÜHRER started to study veterinary surgeon in Vienna but was much more interested in hunting and adventurous collecting expeditions on the Balkan peninsular. 1894 he settled in Montenegro (1895 with REISER) and Albania. His good connections to the local king NIKITAS and prince DANILO allowed him to stay in the rebellious border region around lake Shkodra (1899-1900). 400 skins came to the museums in St. Petersburg and Tring. Appr. 400 clutches were given to REISER in Sarajewo. In 1902 he moved to Klausenburg in Siebenbürgen, now Romania, and became curator of the ornithological collection there. From 1914 until 1916 he worked at the Museum of Lower Austria in Vienna. 1923 he followed his son to the USA and collected in Yellowstone National Park. For the Carnegie Museum, Pittsburgh he undertook two collecting expeditions to Montenegro. The NMW changed specimens with the Carnegie museum in Pittsburgh via FÜHRER in 1931.

GEBHARDT L., 1964: Die Ornithologen Mitteleuropas. — Giessen. 103 ff.

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