
* 1890


Natural History dealer, located out of New York = KNY-SCHEERER, a company that sold, traded and found biological collections to order. The company was founded around 1890 and still existed in 1935.
KNY-SCHEERER Co., Dr. Georg LAGAI, born 1869.

HORN et al., 1990: Collectiones entomologicae. — Berlin. 207, 224 f.
KNY-SCHEERER Corp. Of America, Naturalists’ Supplies, Entomological Supplies, Natural History Specimens, New York, NY: 1927, 66 pp., 8vo. Illustrated catalogue of materials for gathering, investigating, and displaying geological, zoological and botanical specimens. Some aquaria and terraria. Also magnifiers, microscopes, dissecting instruments, butterfly nets, etc.

Pers. comm.: B. MILLEN, Ontario, Canada, J. HINSHAW, Michigan, US, H. PIEPER, Kiel, Germany

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