Articles (21)

  • Effect of organic calcium channel blockers on ciliary reversal in Paramecium octaurelia (strain…A. Ucieklak, Stanislaw Dryl
    A. Ucieklak, Stanislaw Dryl (1991): Effect of organic calcium channel blockers on ciliary reversal in Paramecium octaurelia (strain 299s) – Acta Protozool. – 30: 157 - 160.
  • Inhibition of potassium-induced ciliary reversal in Fabrea salina by inorganic and organic calcium…Stanislaw Dryl, A. Lopatowska
    Stanislaw Dryl, A. Lopatowska (1990): Inhibition of potassium-induced ciliary reversal in Fabrea salina by inorganic and organic calcium channel blockers – Acta Protozool. – 29: 173 - 178.
  • Motor response of intact cells Fabrea salina and its fragments towards K/Ca factor in external…A. Kubalski, A. Lopatowska, Stanislaw Dryl
    A. Kubalski, A. Lopatowska, Stanislaw Dryl (1988): Motor response of intact cells Fabrea salina and its fragments towards K/Ca factor in external medium – Acta Protozool. – 27: 29 - 35.
  • Leon CienkowskiL. Kuznicki, Stanislaw Dryl
    L. Kuznicki, Stanislaw Dryl (1987): Leon Cienkowski – Acta Protozool. – 26: 1 - 2.
  • Action of calcium blockers on potassium-induced reversed beat of cirri in Stylonychia mytilusStanislaw Dryl, I. Totwen-Nowakowska
    Stanislaw Dryl, I. Totwen-Nowakowska (1985): Action of calcium blockers on potassium-induced reversed beat of cirri in Stylonychia mytilus – Acta Protozool. – 24: 291 - 296.
  • Infusoires ciliés Fascicule 1 Structure, Physiologie, ReproductionJ. André, J. C. Bussers, J. Dragsco, Stanislaw Dryl, J. C. Estévé, …
    J. André, J.C. Bussers, J. Dragsco, Stanislaw Dryl, J.C. Estévé, Emmanuel Faure-Fremiet [Fauré-Fremiet], J. Génermont, Jean Grain, Gérard de Haller, Raymond Hovasse (1984): Infusoires ciliés Fascicule 1 Structure, Physiologie, Reproduction – Traité de Zoologie – 2/1: 1 - 821.
  • Progress in Protozoology. Proceedings of VI International Congress of Protozoology Warszawa, …Stanislaw Dryl, Stanislaw L. Kazubski, L. Kuznicki, J. Ploszaj
    Stanislaw Dryl, Stanislaw L. Kazubski, L. Kuznicki, J. Ploszaj (1984): Progress in Protozoology. Proceedings of VI International Congress of Protozoology Warszawa, Poland, 5-11 July 1981 Special Congress Volume of Acta Protozoologica – Warszawa – II: 176 - 307.
  • Contribution to studies on the role of external cations in excitability of marine ciliate Fabrea…Stanislaw Dryl, C. Demar-Gervais, A. Kubalski
    Stanislaw Dryl, C. Demar-Gervais, A. Kubalski (1982): Contribution to studies on the role of external cations in excitability of marine ciliate Fabrea salina – Acta Protozool. – 21: 55 - 59.
  • Progress in Protozoology. Proceedings of VI International Congress of Protozoology Warszawa, …Stanislaw Dryl, Stanislaw L. Kazubski, L. Kuznicki, J. Ploszaj
    Stanislaw Dryl, Stanislaw L. Kazubski, L. Kuznicki, J. Ploszaj (1982): Progress in Protozoology. Proceedings of VI International Congress of Protozoology Warszawa, Poland, 5-11 July 1981 Special Congress Volume of Acta Protozoologica – Warszawa – I: 1 - 175.
  • Control of excitability in ciliates by chemical and physical factorsStanislaw Dryl
    Stanislaw Dryl (1973): Control of excitability in ciliates by chemical and physical factors – Progr. Protozool. – 1973: 124.
  • Motile behaviour in two forms of double animals Stylonychia mytilusStanislaw Dryl, I. Totwen-Nowakowska
    Stanislaw Dryl, I. Totwen-Nowakowska (1972): Motile behaviour in two forms of double animals Stylonychia mytilus – Acta Protozool. – 11: 301 - 306.
  • Effects of detergents on excitability and motor response in protozoaStanislaw Dryl, Bujwid-Cwik
    Stanislaw Dryl, Bujwid-Cwik (1972): Effects of detergents on excitability and motor response in protozoa – Acta Protozool. – 11: 367 - 372.
  • Galvanotactic response and food vacuole formation in Tetrahymena pyriformisM. Brutkowska, Stanislaw Dryl
    M. Brutkowska, Stanislaw Dryl (1972): Galvanotactic response and food vacuole formation in Tetrahymena pyriformis – Acta Protozool. – 11: 401 - 406.
  • Response of ciliate protozoa to external stimuliStanislaw Dryl
    Stanislaw Dryl (1970): Response of ciliate protozoa to external stimuli – Acta Protozool. – 7: 325 - 333.
  • Progress in the study of excitation and response in ciliatesStanislaw Dryl, A. Grebecki
    Stanislaw Dryl, A. Grebecki (1966): Progress in the study of excitation and response in ciliates – Protoplasma – 62: 255 - 284.
  • Spontaneous change in membrane potential of Paramecium caudatum induced by Barium and Calcium ionsH. Kinosita, Stanislaw Dryl, Y. Naitoh
    H. Kinosita, Stanislaw Dryl, Y. Naitoh (1964): Spontaneous change in membrane potential of Paramecium caudatum induced by Barium and Calcium ions – Bulletin de l Academie Polonaise des Sciences. (Cl.II 1953-56). Serie des Sciences Biologiques. – 12(10): 459 - 461.
  • Oblique orientation of Paramecium caudatum in etlectric field (Orientacja skosna Paramecium…Stanislaw Dryl
    Stanislaw Dryl (1963): Oblique orientation of Paramecium caudatum in etlectric field (Orientacja skosna Paramecium caudatum w polu elektrycznym) – Acta Protozool. – 1: 193 - 200.
  • The velocity of forward movement of Paramecium caudatum in relation to pH of mediumStanislaw Dryl
    Stanislaw Dryl (1961): The velocity of forward movement of Paramecium caudatum in relation to pH of medium – Bulletin de l Academie Polonaise des Sciences. (Cl.II 1953-56). Serie des Sciences Biologiques. – 9: 71 - 74.
  • Chemotaxis in Paramecium caudatum as adaptive response of organism to its environmentStanislaw Dryl
    Stanislaw Dryl (1961): Chemotaxis in Paramecium caudatum as adaptive response of organism to its environment – Acta Biol. Exp. – 21: 75 - 83.
  • Photographic registration of movement of protozoaStanislaw Dryl
    Stanislaw Dryl (1958): Photographic registration of movement of protozoa – Bulletin de l Academie Polonaise des Sciences. (Cl.II 1953-56). Serie des Sciences Biologiques. – 6: 429 - 430.
  • The dependence of chemotropism in Paramecium caudatum on the chemical changes in the mediumStanislaw Dryl
    Stanislaw Dryl (1952): The dependence of chemotropism in Paramecium caudatum on the chemical changes in the medium – Acta Biol. Exp. – 16: 23 - 53.