Articles (4)

  • The influence of organic inputs, acidification and fluctuating discharge on a spring ecosystem. …Ilja Krno, Ferdinand Sporka, E. Bulankova, E. Tirjaková, et al.
    Ilja Krno, Ferdinand Sporka, E. Bulankova, E. Tirjaková, et al. (1998): The influence of organic inputs, acidification and fluctuating discharge on a spring ecosystem. In: Bretschko G. & Helesic J. (eds.): – Adv. River Bottom Ecol., Backhuys Publ., Leiden – : 99 - 106.
  • Material and methods. In: Krno (ed. ): Limnology of the Turiec river basin (West Carpathians, …Ilja Krno, Ferdinand Sporka, E. Tirjaková
    Ilja Krno, Ferdinand Sporka, E. Tirjaková (1996): Material and methods. In: Krno (ed.): Limnology of the Turiec river basin (West Carpathians, Slovakia) – biologia – 51: 10 - 11.
  • Influence of the construction of the Turcek resvervoir on the organisms of the river bottomIlja Krno, Ferdinand Sporka, E. Tirjaková, E. Tirjakova
    Ilja Krno, Ferdinand Sporka, E. Tirjaková, E. Tirjakova (1995): Influence of the construction of the Turcek resvervoir on the organisms of the river bottom – Fol. Fac. Sci. Nat. Univ. Masarykianae Brunensis, Biologia – 91: 53 - 62.
  • Ferdinand Sporka, Otto Moog (1995): Nais stolci (Hrabe 1981) in der Slowakei und Österreich (Oligochaeta: Naididae). – Lauterbornia – 1995_20: 93 - 97.