Articles (15)

  • A parasitic (endosymbiotic) hypothesis in ciliate origin Seravin
    Seravin (1996): A parasitic (endosymbiotic) hypothesis in ciliate origin – Zool. Zhurnal (Moscow) – 75: 643 - 652.
  • The main fine structural types and forms of mitochondrial cristae; the extent of their… Seravin
    Seravin (1993): The main fine structural types and forms of mitochondrial cristae; the extent of their evolutionary conservatism (ability to morphological transformation) – Tsitologiya – 35: 3 - 34.
  • The influence of various steroids on the ultrastructure of amoebae, flagellates and ciliates…Sergei I. Fokin, A. V. Goodkov, S. Karpov, Seravin
    Sergei I. Fokin, A.V. Goodkov, S. Karpov, Seravin (1993): The influence of various steroids on the ultrastructure of amoebae, flagellates and ciliates (Protista) – Tsitologiya – 35/5: 44 - 48.
  • Modern view on the nature and organization of protozoa Seravin
    Seravin (1992): Modern view on the nature and organization of protozoa – Citologija – 34: 138 - 139.
  • Membrane structures and their supposed involvement in the digestive events with the ciliate…Yu. Yu. Sokolova, Seravin, Z. P. Gerassimova [Gerassimova-Matvejeva]
    Yu.Yu. Sokolova, Seravin, Z.P. Gerassimova [Gerassimova-Matvejeva] (1986): Membrane structures and their supposed involvement in the digestive events with the ciliate Parafavella denticulata Ehrenberg, 1890 (Tintinnina) – Tsitologiya – 28: 220 - 224.
  • Susceptility of food chemoreceptors in carnivorous ProtozoaE. Orlovskaja, L. N. Karvanen, Seravin
    E. Orlovskaja, L.N. Karvanen, Seravin (1984): Susceptility of food chemoreceptors in carnivorous Protozoa – Acta Protozool. – 23: 197 - 211.
  • Possible forms of agamic genetical interactions in protists and ways of establishment of the… Seravin, A. V. Goodkov
    Seravin, A.V. Goodkov (1984): Possible forms of agamic genetical interactions in protists and ways of establishment of the secual process – Zitologija – 36: 1224 - 1236.
  • Ciliary and fibrillar structures of the ciliate Bursaria truncatella and its systematic positionZ. P. Gerassimova [Gerassimova-Matvejeva], G. I. Sergejeva, Seravin
    Z.P. Gerassimova [Gerassimova-Matvejeva], G.I. Sergejeva, Seravin (1979): Ciliary and fibrillar structures of the ciliate Bursaria truncatella and its systematic position – Acta Protozool. – 18: 355 - 370.
  • A new macrosystem of ciliates Seravin, Z. P. Gerassimova [Gerassimova-Matvejeva]
    Seravin, Z.P. Gerassimova [Gerassimova-Matvejeva] (1978): A new macrosystem of ciliates – Acta Protozool. – 17: 399 - 418.
  • Ectoplasmic fibrillar system of infusoria and its role for the understanding of their phylogenyZ. P. Gerassimova [Gerassimova-Matvejeva], Seravin
    Z.P. Gerassimova [Gerassimova-Matvejeva], Seravin (1976): Ectoplasmic fibrillar system of infusoria and its role for the understanding of their phylogeny – Zool. Zhurnal (Moscow) – 55: 645 - 656.
  • Ultrastructure of the cortical fibrillar systems of the marine ciliate Helicoprorodon gigas Kahl, … Seravin, Z. P. Matvejeva
    Seravin, Z.P. Matvejeva (1971): Ultrastructure of the cortical fibrillar systems of the marine ciliate Helicoprorodon gigas Kahl, 1933 (Holotricha, Gymnostomatida) – Acta Protozool. – 9: 263 - 274.
  • Left and right spiralling round the long body axis in ciliate protozoa Seravin
    Seravin (1970): Left and right spiralling round the long body axis in ciliate protozoa – Acta Protozool. – 7: 313 - 324.
  • The role of mechanical and chemical stimulators in the induction of phagocytic reactions in Amoeba… Seravin
    Seravin (1968): The role of mechanical and chemical stimulators in the induction of phagocytic reactions in Amoeba proteus and A. dubia – Acta Protozool. – 6: 97 - 108.
  • Mechanism of contraction of myonemes in the ciliate Spirostomum ambiguum Seravin, I. I. Skoblo, I. G. Bagnjuck
    Seravin, I.I. Skoblo, I.G. Bagnjuck (1965): Mechanism of contraction of myonemes in the ciliate Spirostomum ambiguum – Acta Protozool. – 3: 327 - 336.
  • Ultrastructure of the ciliate Loxodes restrum (O. F. M. ) in relation to the mode of its water…V. F. Mashansky, Seravin, L. N. Vinnichenko
    V.F. Mashansky, Seravin, L.N. Vinnichenko (1963): Ultrastructure of the ciliate Loxodes restrum (O.F.M.) in relation to the mode of its water transport – Acta Protozool. – 1: 403 - 410.