Articles (84)

  • A further study on littoral ciliates (Protozoa, Ciliophora) near King George Island, Antarctica,…Norbert Wilbert, Weibo Song
    Norbert Wilbert, Weibo Song (2008): A further study on littoral ciliates (Protozoa, Ciliophora) near King George Island, Antarctica, with description of a new genus and seven new species – Journal of natural History – 42: 979 - 1012.
  • Redescriptions of two marine hypotrichous ciliates, Diophrys irmgard and D. hystrix (Ciliophora,…Weibo Song, Norbert Wilbert, Khaled A. S. AL-Rasheid, A. Warren, C. …
    Weibo Song, Norbert Wilbert, Khaled A. S. AL-Rasheid, A. Warren, C. Shao, H. Long, Z. Yi, L. Li (2007): Redescriptions of two marine hypotrichous ciliates, Diophrys irmgard and D. hystrix (Ciliophora, Euplotida), with a brief revision of the Genus Diophrys – J. Euk. Microbiol. – 54: 283 - 296.
  • Comparison and redefinition of four marine, coloured Pseudokeronopsis spp. (Ciliophora:…Weibo Song, Alan Warren, Dave Roberts, Norbert Wilbert, L. Li, Ping Sun,…
    Weibo Song, Alan Warren, Dave Roberts, Norbert Wilbert, L. Li, Ping Sun, X. Hu, H. Ma (2006): Comparison and redefinition of four marine, coloured Pseudokeronopsis spp. (Ciliophora: Hypotrichida), with emphasis on their living morphology – Acta Protozool. – 45: 271 - 287.
  • New contributions to the marine benthic ciliates from the Antarctic area, including escription of…Norbert Wilbert, Weibo Song
    Norbert Wilbert, Weibo Song (2005): New contributions to the marine benthic ciliates from the Antarctic area, including escription of seven new species (Protozoa, Ciliophora) – Journal of natural History – 39: 935 - 973.
  • Considerations on the systematic position of Uronychia and related euplotids based on the data of…Weibo Song, Norbert Wilbert, Z. Chen, X. Shi
    Weibo Song, Norbert Wilbert, Z. Chen, X. Shi (2004): Considerations on the systematic position of Uronychia and related euplotids based on the data of ontogeny and 18S rRNA gene sequence analyses, with morphogenetic redescription of Uronychia setigera Calkins, 1902 (Ciliophora: Euplotida) – Acta Protozool. – 43: 313 - 328.
  • New contributions to the marine hypotrichous ciliate, Pseudokeronopsis qingdaoensis Hu & Song, …Weibo Song, Norbert Wilbert, X. Hu
    Weibo Song, Norbert Wilbert, X. Hu (2004): New contributions to the marine hypotrichous ciliate, Pseudokeronopsis qingdaoensis Hu & Song, 2000 (Protozoa: Ciliophora: Stichotrichida) – Cah. Biol. mar. – 45: 335 - 342.
  • Redescription and neotypification of *Amphileptus marinus (Kahl, 1931) nov. comb. (Ciliophora, …Weibo Song, Norbert Wilbert, H. Xu
    Weibo Song, Norbert Wilbert, H. Xu (2004): Redescription and neotypification of *Amphileptus marinus (Kahl, 1931) nov. comb. (Ciliophora, Pleurostomatida), and reactivation of *A. parafusidens* Song & Wilbert, 1989 – Europ. J. Protistol. – 40: 1 - 11.
  • Reinvestigations of three "well-known" marine scuticociliates: Uronemella filificum (Kahl, 1931)…Weibo Song, Norbert Wilbert
    Weibo Song, Norbert Wilbert (2002): Reinvestigations of three "well-known" marine scuticociliates: Uronemella filificum (Kahl, 1931) nov. gen., nov. comb., Pseudocohnilembus hargisi Evans & Thompson, 1964 and Cyclidium citrullus Cohn, 1865, with description of the new genus Uronemella (Pr. – Zoologischer Anzeiger. Diario....adnexa. Siehe: Bibliographia Zoologica. Supplementband. Siehe: Verh.der Deutschen Zool.Gesellschaft. – 241: 317 - 331.
  • Reinvestigations of three "well-known" marine scuticociliates: Uronemella filificum (Kahl, 1931)…Weibo Song, Norbert Wilbert
    Weibo Song, Norbert Wilbert (2002): Reinvestigations of three "well-known" marine scuticociliates: Uronemella filificum (Kahl, 1931) nov. gen., nov. comb., Pseudocohnilembus hargisi Evans & Thompson, 1964 and Cyclidium citrullus Cohn 1865, with description § – Zoologischer Anzeiger – 241: 317 - 331.
  • New contribution to the morphology and taxonomy of four marine hypotrichous ciliates from…Weibo Song, Norbert Wilbert, Alan Warren
    Weibo Song, Norbert Wilbert, Alan Warren (2002): New contribution to the morphology and taxonomy of four marine hypotrichous ciliates from Quingdao, China (Protozoa: Ciliophora) – Acta Protozool. – 41: 145 - 162.
  • Faunistic studies on marine ciliates from the Antarctic benthic area, including descriptions of…Weibo Song, Norbert Wilbert
    Weibo Song, Norbert Wilbert (2002): Faunistic studies on marine ciliates from the Antarctic benthic area, including descriptions of one epizoic form, 6 new species and, 2 new genera (Protozoa: Ciliophora) – Acta Protozool. – 41: 23 - 61.
  • Ciliates from Antarctic sea iceWeibo Song, Norbert Wilbert
    Weibo Song, Norbert Wilbert (2000): Ciliates from Antarctic sea ice – Polar Biol. – 23: 212 - 222.
  • Redefinition and redescription of some marine scuticociliates from China, with report of a new…Weibo Song, Norbert Wilbert
    Weibo Song, Norbert Wilbert (2000): Redefinition and redescription of some marine scuticociliates from China, with report of a new species, *Metanophrys sinensis* nov. spec. (Ciliophora, Scuticociliatida) – Zoologischer Anzeiger. Diario....adnexa. Siehe: Bibliographia Zoologica. Supplementband. Siehe: Verh.der Deutschen Zool.Gesellschaft. – 239: 45 - 74.
  • Three new entocommensal ciliates from digestive tract of sea urchins of the Weddell Sea, …Weibo Song, Norbert Wilbert, Alan Warren
    Weibo Song, Norbert Wilbert, Alan Warren (1999): Three new entocommensal ciliates from digestive tract of sea urchins of the Weddell Sea, Antarctica (Protozoa, Ciliophora) – Polar Biol. – 22: 232 - 240.
  • Rainer Schucht, Winfried Weiler, Norbert Wilbert (1998): Beiträge zur Limnologie des Steinbruchgewässers am Eulenberg bei Hennef – Decheniana – BH_34: 87 - 93.
  • Dieter Steinwarz, Winfried Weiler, Norbert Wilbert, Rainer Schucht (1998): Ökologische Untersuchungen an einem abgebauten Basaltvulkan im Niederen Westerwald (Eulenberg, Stadt Hennef, Rhein-Sieg-Kreis) – Decheniana – BH_34: 1 - 96.
  • Morphological Investigations on Some Free Living Ciliates (Protozoa, Ciliophora) from China Sea…Weibo Song, Norbert Wilbert
    Weibo Song, Norbert Wilbert (1997): Morphological Investigations on Some Free Living Ciliates (Protozoa, Ciliophora) from China Sea with Description of a New Hypotrichous Genus, Hemigastrostyla nov. gen. – Archiv für Protistenkunde – 148_1997: 413 - 444.
  • Redescription of *Strombidium crassulum* (#Leegaard#, 1915) and proposal of a new species, …Sabine Agatha, J. -C. Riedel-Lorjé, Norbert Wilbert
    Sabine Agatha, J.-C. Riedel-Lorjé, Norbert Wilbert (1997): Redescription of *Strombidium crassulum* (#Leegaard#, 1915) and proposal of a new species, *Strombidium tuffraui* nov. spec. (Ciliophora, Oligotrichea) – Manuskript – .
  • Morphological studies on some free living ciliates (Ciliophora:Heterotrichida, Hypotrichida) from…Weibo Song, Norbert Wilbert
    Weibo Song, Norbert Wilbert (1997): Morphological studies on some free living ciliates (Ciliophora:Heterotrichida,Hypotrichida) from marine biotopes in Qingdao, China, with descriptions of three new species: Holosticha warreni nov.spec., Tachysoma ovata nov.spec. and T.dragescoi nov.spec.$ – Europ. J. Protistol. – 33: 48 - 62.
  • Morphological investigations on some free living ciliates (Protozoa, Ciliophora) from China Sea…Weibo Song, Norbert Wilbert
    Weibo Song, Norbert Wilbert (1997): Morphological investigations on some free living ciliates (Protozoa, Ciliophora) from China Sea with description of a new hypotrichous genus, *Hemigastrostyla* nov. gen. – Arch. Protistenkunde – 148: 413 - 444.
  • On three endocommensal ciliates from digestive tract of sea urchins of the Wedell Sea, …Weibo Song, Alan Warren, Norbert Wilbert, Wolfgang Petz
    Weibo Song, Alan Warren, Norbert Wilbert, Wolfgang Petz (1996): On three endocommensal ciliates from digestive tract of sea urchins of the Wedell Sea, Antarctica, with descriptions of two new genera, *Entodiscoides* nov. gen. and *Paracryptochilum* nov. gen. (Protozoa, Ciliophora) – unveröffentlichtes Manuskript – .
  • Abb. 1-36 [ohne Text]Weibo Song, Norbert Wilbert
    Weibo Song, Norbert Wilbert (1996): Abb. 1-36 [ohne Text] – unbekannt – .
  • On three endocommensal ciliates from digestive tract of sea urchins of the Wedell Sea, …Weibo Song, Alan Warren, Norbert Wilbert
    Weibo Song, Alan Warren, Norbert Wilbert (1996): On three endocommensal ciliates from digestive tract of sea urchins of the Wedell Sea, Antarctica, with establishment of a new genus, *Entodiscoides* nov. gen. (Protozoa, Ciliophora) – J. Oceanogr. Univ. Quingdao – 26: 295 - 308.
  • Wolfgang Petz, Weibo Song, Norbert Wilbert (1995): Taxonomy and ecology of the ciliate fauna (Protozoa, Ciliophora) in the endopagial and pelagial of the Weddell Sea, Antarctica – Stapfia – 0040: 1 - 223.
  • Taxonomy and ecology of the ciliate fauna (Protozoa, Ciliophora) in the endopagial and pelagial…Wolfgang Petz, Weibo Song, Norbert Wilbert
    Wolfgang Petz, Weibo Song, Norbert Wilbert (1995): Taxonomy and ecology of the ciliate fauna (Protozoa, Ciliophora) in the endopagial and pelagial of the Weddell Sea, Antarctica – Stapfia – 40: 1 - 223.
  • Benthic ciliates of salt lakesNorbert Wilbert
    Norbert Wilbert (1995): Benthic ciliates of salt lakes – Acta Protozool. – 34: 271 - 288.
  • Morphogenesis of *Gymnozoum viviparum* #Meunier#, 1910 and *G. sympagicum* #Petz# et al. , …Wolfgang Petz, Weibo Song, Norbert Wilbert
    Wolfgang Petz, Weibo Song, Norbert Wilbert (1995): Morphogenesis of *Gymnozoum viviparum* #Meunier#, 1910 and *G. sympagicum* #Petz# et al., 1995, cyrtophorid ciliates from Antarctic Sea ice – Europ. J. Protistol. – 31: 454.
  • A redescription of the morphology of *Onychodromus grandis* #Stein# 1859 and the systematic…Anna Szabo, Norbert Wilbert
    Anna Szabo, Norbert Wilbert (1995): A redescription of the morphology of *Onychodromus grandis* #Stein# 1859 and the systematic implications of its morphogenesis – J. Euk. Microbiol. – 42: 50 - 60.
  • Morphogenesis of the marine ciliate Diophrys oligothrix Borror, 1965 during the cell division…Weibo Song, Norbert Wilbert
    Weibo Song, Norbert Wilbert (1994): Morphogenesis of the marine ciliate Diophrys oligothrix Borror, 1965 during the cell division (Protozoa, Ciliophora, Hypotrichida) – Europ. J. Protistol. – 30: 38 - 44.
  • *Trichodinella peruviana* sp. n. (Ciliophora, Peritrichida) hallada en el caracol terrestre…B. L. Alvarado Castro, Norbert Wilbert
    B.L. Alvarado Castro, Norbert Wilbert (1993): *Trichodinella peruviana* sp. n. (Ciliophora, Peritrichida) hallada en el caracol terrestre *Scutalus gayi* #Pfeiffer#, 1857 – Boletin de Lima – 88: 51 - 58.
  • Observations on the ciliate community of the Antarctic sea ice and plankton (Ciliophora, Protozoa)Norbert Wilbert, Wolfgang Petz, Weibo Song
    Norbert Wilbert, Wolfgang Petz, Weibo Song (1993): Observations on the ciliate community of the Antarctic sea ice and plankton (Ciliophora, Protozoa) – Ber. Polarforsch. – 121: 89 - 90.
  • The endokryal -- a habitat for ciliatesWolfgang Petz, Norbert Wilbert
    Wolfgang Petz, Norbert Wilbert (1993): The endokryal -- a habitat for ciliates – J. Euk. Microbiol. (IX Int. Congr. Protozool. Abstr.) – 0: 97.
  • Ciliated protozoa (Ciliophora) from Arctic sea iceSabine Agatha, M. Spindler, Norbert Wilbert
    Sabine Agatha, M. Spindler, Norbert Wilbert (1993): Ciliated protozoa (Ciliophora) from Arctic sea ice – Acta Protozool. – 32: 261 - 268.
  • Morphology and morphogenesis of the soil ciliate *Bakuella edaphoni* nov. spec. and revision of…Weibo Song, Norbert Wilbert, Helmut Berger
    Weibo Song, Norbert Wilbert, Helmut Berger (1992): Morphology and morphogenesis of the soil ciliate *Bakuella edaphoni* nov. spec. and revision of the genus *Bakuella* #Agamaliev & Alekperov#, 1976 (Ciliophora, Hypotrichida) – Bull. Br. Mus. nat. Hist. (Zool.) – 58: 133 - 148.
  • Contribution to the taxonomy of the family Paranophryidae #Jankowski# in #Small & Lynn#, 1985M. Strüder, Norbert Wilbert
    M. Strüder, Norbert Wilbert (1992): Contribution to the taxonomy of the family Paranophryidae #Jankowski# in #Small & Lynn#, 1985 – Acta Protozool. – 31: 33 - 37.
  • Taxonomische Studien über die Ciliatenfauna (Protozoa, Ciliophora) der EifelmaareGabriele Packroff, Norbert Wilbert
    Gabriele Packroff, Norbert Wilbert (1991): Taxonomische Studien über die Ciliatenfauna (Protozoa, Ciliophora) der Eifelmaare – Archiv für Protistenkunde – 1991_140: 121 - 139.
  • Taxonomische Studien über die Ciliatenfauna (Protozoa, Ciliophora) der EifelmaareGabriele Packroff, Norbert Wilbert
    Gabriele Packroff, Norbert Wilbert (1991): Taxonomische Studien über die Ciliatenfauna (Protozoa, Ciliophora) der Eifelmaare – Arch. Protistenkunde – 140: 121 - 139.
  • Bakuella salinarum nov. spec, und Pseudokeronopsis ignea nov. spec. (Ciliata, Hypotrichida)…B. Mihailowitsch, Norbert Wilbert
    B. Mihailowitsch, Norbert Wilbert (1990): Bakuella salinarum nov. spec, und Pseudokeronopsis ignea nov. spec. (Ciliata, Hypotrichida) aus einem solebelasteten Fließgewässer des östlichen Münsterlandes, BRD – Archiv für Protistenkunde – 138_1990: 207 - 219.
  • Euplotide ciliates in sea of the Weddel Sea (Antarctica)Sabine Agatha, Norbert Wilbert, M. Spindler, M. Elbrächter
    Sabine Agatha, Norbert Wilbert, M. Spindler, M. Elbrächter (1990): Euplotide ciliates in sea of the Weddel Sea (Antarctica) – Acta Protozool. – 29: 221 - 228.
  • *Bakuella salinarum* nov. spec. und *Pseudokeronopsis ignea* nov. spec. (Ciliata, …B. Mihailowitsch, Norbert Wilbert
    B. Mihailowitsch, Norbert Wilbert (1990): *Bakuella salinarum* nov. spec. und *Pseudokeronopsis ignea* nov. spec. (Ciliata, Hypotrichida) aus einem solebelasteten Fließgewässer des östlichen Münsterlandes, BRD – Arch. Protistenkunde – 138: 207 - 219.
  • Weibo Song, Norbert Wilbert (1989): Taxonomische Untersuchungen an Aufwuchsciliaten (Protozoa, Ciliophora) im Poppelsdorfer Weiher, Bonn – Lauterbornia – 1989_03: 2 - 221.
  • Morphology and infraciliature of Uroleptoides qingdaoensis sp. nov. (Ciliophora; Hypotrichida;…Weibo Song, Norbert Wilbert
    Weibo Song, Norbert Wilbert (1989): Morphology and infraciliature of Uroleptoides qingdaoensis sp. nov. (Ciliophora; Hypotrichida; Amphisiellidae) §[in Chinese with English summary] – Acta zootaxon.Sin. – 14: 390 - 394.
  • Taxonomische Untersuchungen an Aufwuchsciliaten (Protozoa, Ciliophora) im Poppelsdorfer Weiher, …Weibo Song, Norbert Wilbert
    Weibo Song, Norbert Wilbert (1989): Taxonomische Untersuchungen an Aufwuchsciliaten (Protozoa, Ciliophora) im Poppelsdorfer Weiher, Bonn – Lauterbornia – 3: 2 - 221.
  • Ein neuer hypostomer Ciliat, *Pseudochlamydonella rheophila* sp. n. (Pseudochlamydonellidae…Ulrich Buitkamp, Weibo Song, Norbert Wilbert
    Ulrich Buitkamp, Weibo Song, Norbert Wilbert (1989): Ein neuer hypostomer Ciliat, *Pseudochlamydonella rheophila* sp. n. (Pseudochlamydonellidae fam. nov., *Pseudochlamydonella* gen. n.) im Aufwuchs eines Baches – Acta Protozool. – 28: 69 - 75.
  • Parabakuella typica nov. gen. , nov. spec. (Ciliata, Hypotrichida) aus dem Edaphon eines…W. ? Song, Norbert Wilbert
    W.? Song, Norbert Wilbert (1988): Parabakuella typica nov. gen., nov. spec. (Ciliata, Hypotrichida) aus dem Edaphon eines Standortes in Qingdao, China – Archiv für Protistenkunde – 135_1988: 319 - 325.
  • *Parabakuella typica* nov. gen. , nov. spec. (Ciliata, Hypotrichida) aus dem Edaphon eines…Weibo Song, Norbert Wilbert
    Weibo Song, Norbert Wilbert (1988): *Parabakuella typica* nov. gen., nov. spec. (Ciliata, Hypotrichida) aus dem Edaphon eines Standortes in Qingdao, China – Arch. Protistenkunde – 135: 319 - 325.
  • Morphologie und Infraciliatur von Dileptus orientalis sp. n. , einem Bodenciliaten aus Qingdao, …Weibo Song, Gabriele Packroff, Norbert Wilbert
    Weibo Song, Gabriele Packroff, Norbert Wilbert (1988): Morphologie und Infraciliatur von Dileptus orientalis sp. n., einem Bodenciliaten aus Qingdao, China – Acta Protozool. – 27: 271 - 277.
  • Taxonomic and ecological studies of ciliates from Australian saline soils: colpodids and…Ruth Pomp, Norbert Wilbert
    Ruth Pomp, Norbert Wilbert (1988): Taxonomic and ecological studies of ciliates from Australian saline soils: colpodids and hymenostomate ciliates – Austr. J. mar. Freshwat. Res. – 39: 479 - 495.
  • *Semiplatyophrya foissneri* nov. gen. , nov. spec. und *Perisincirra pori* nov. spec. , …Norbert Wilbert, David Kahan
    Norbert Wilbert, David Kahan (1986): *Semiplatyophrya foissneri* nov. gen., nov. spec. und *Perisincirra pori* nov. spec., Ciliaten aus einem Salzboden des Sinai – Arch. Protistenkunde – 131: 129 - 138.
  • Ciliaten aus dem Interstitial des Ontario SeesNorbert Wilbert
    Norbert Wilbert (1986): Ciliaten aus dem Interstitial des Ontario Sees – Acta Protozool. – 25: 379 - 396.
  • Ciliates from saline lakes in SaskatchewanNorbert Wilbert
    Norbert Wilbert (1986): Ciliates from saline lakes in Saskatchewan – Symp. biol. Hung. – 33: 249 - 256.
  • Beitrag zur Morphologie und Ökologie einiger planktischer Ciliaten aus dem Poppelsdorfer Weiher…Norbert Wilbert
    Norbert Wilbert (1986): Beitrag zur Morphologie und Ökologie einiger planktischer Ciliaten aus dem Poppelsdorfer Weiher in Bonn (BRD) – Arch. Protistenkunde – 131: 59 - 69.
  • Sur une nouvelle espèce de cilié *Paranophrys carnivora* sp. n. (Scuticociliatida)Anna Czapik, Norbert Wilbert
    Anna Czapik, Norbert Wilbert (1986): Sur une nouvelle espèce de cilié *Paranophrys carnivora* sp. n. (Scuticociliatida) – Acta Protozool. – 25: 427 - 432.
  • Balantidium sigani sp. nov. , a Trichostome Ciliate from Red Sea Rabbitfish (Pisces, Siganidae)A. Diamant, Norbert Wilbert
    A. Diamant, Norbert Wilbert (1985): Balantidium sigani sp. nov., a Trichostome Ciliate from Red Sea Rabbitfish (Pisces, Siganidae) – Archiv für Protistenkunde – 129_1985: 13 - 17.
  • *Balantidium sigani* sp. nov. , a trichostome ciliate from red sea rabbitfish (Pisces, Siganidae)A. Diamant, Norbert Wilbert
    A. Diamant, Norbert Wilbert (1985): *Balantidium sigani* sp. nov., a trichostome ciliate from red sea rabbitfish (Pisces, Siganidae) – Arch. Protistenkunde – 129: 13 - 18.
  • Eine neue Imprägnation der Basalkörper bei WimpertierenNorbert Wilbert
    Norbert Wilbert (1983): Eine neue Imprägnation der Basalkörper bei Wimpertieren – Proc. Jap. Soc. Syst. Zool. – 4?,7: 193 - 197.
  • Ein neuer colpodider Ciliat aus einer Grassteppe in Ningerhar, Afghanistan: Colpodidium caudatum…Norbert Wilbert
    Norbert Wilbert (1982): Ein neuer colpodider Ciliat aus einer Grassteppe in Ningerhar, Afghanistan: Colpodidium caudatum nov. gen., nov. spec. – Archiv für Protistenkunde – 125_1982: 291 - 296.
  • Survey of the Intestinal Opalines and Ciliates in Central European AmphibiansNorbert Wilbert, U. Schmeier
    Norbert Wilbert, U. Schmeier (1982): Survey of the Intestinal Opalines and Ciliates in Central European Amphibians – Archiv für Protistenkunde – 125_1982: 271 - 285.
  • Revision der Familie Keronidae Dujardin, 1840 (Ciliophora, Hypotrichida) mit einer Beschreibung…Horst Hemberger, Norbert Wilbert
    Horst Hemberger, Norbert Wilbert (1982): Revision der Familie Keronidae Dujardin, 1840 (Ciliophora, Hypotrichida) mit einer Beschreibung der Morphogenese von Kerona polyporurm Ehrenberg, 1835 – Archiv für Protistenkunde – 125_1982: 261 - 270.
  • Revision der Familie Keronidae #Dujardin#, 1840 (Ciliophora, Hypotrichida) mit einer…Horst Hemberger, Norbert Wilbert
    Horst Hemberger, Norbert Wilbert (1982): Revision der Familie Keronidae #Dujardin#, 1840 (Ciliophora, Hypotrichida) mit einer Beschreibung der Morphogenese von *Kerona polyporum* #Ehrenberg#, 1835 – Arch. Protistenkunde – 125: 261 - 270.
  • Ein neuer colpodider Ciliat aus einer Grassteppe in Ningerhar, Afghanistan: *Colpodidium…Norbert Wilbert
    Norbert Wilbert (1982): Ein neuer colpodider Ciliat aus einer Grassteppe in Ningerhar, Afghanistan: *Colpodidium caudatum* nov. gen., nov. spec. – Arch. Protistenkunde – 125: 291 - 296.
  • Survey of the intestinal opalines and ciliates in central Europaen amphibiansNorbert Wilbert, U. Schmeier
    Norbert Wilbert, U. Schmeier (1982): Survey of the intestinal opalines and ciliates in central Europaen amphibians – Arch. Protistenkunde – 125: 271 - 286.
  • Ciliates of Solar Lake on the Red Sea ShoreNorbert Wilbert, David Kahan
    Norbert Wilbert, David Kahan (1981): Ciliates of Solar Lake on the Red Sea Shore – Archiv für Protistenkunde – 124_1981: 70 - 95.
  • Sur un Cydidium glaucoma de la Région de Bonn (R. F. A. )Pierra Didier, Norbert Wilbert
    Pierra Didier, Norbert Wilbert (1981): Sur un Cydidium glaucoma de la Région de Bonn (R.F.A.) – Archiv für Protistenkunde – 124_1981: 96 - 102.
  • Ciliates of solar lake on the Red Sea shoreNorbert Wilbert, David Kahan
    Norbert Wilbert, David Kahan (1981): Ciliates of solar lake on the Red Sea shore – Arch. Protistenkunde – 124: 70 - 95.
  • Cyclidium glaucoma de la région de Bonn (R. F. A. )Pierra Didier, Norbert Wilbert
    Pierra Didier, Norbert Wilbert (1981): Cyclidium glaucoma de la région de Bonn (R.F.A.) – Arch. Protistenkunde – 124: 96 - 102.
  • A comparative study of the infraciliature and silverline system of the fresh-water scuticociliates…Wilhelm Foissner, Norbert Wilbert
    Wilhelm Foissner, Norbert Wilbert (1981): A comparative study of the infraciliature and silverline system of the fresh-water scuticociliates *Pseudocohnilembus putrinus* (#Kahl#, 1928) nov. comb., *P. pusillus* (#Quennerstedt#, 1869) nov. comb., and the marine form *P. marinus* #Thompson#, 1966 – J. Protozool. – 28: 291 - 297.
  • A propos d'observations sur l'ultrastructure de cilié Cyrtolophosis mucicola Stokes, 1885Pierra Didier, Pierre de Puytorac [de Puytorac], Norbert Wilbert, Rosinka…
    Pierra Didier, Pierre de Puytorac [de Puytorac], Norbert Wilbert, Rosinka B. Detcheva (1980): A propos d'observations sur l'ultrastructure de cilié Cyrtolophosis mucicola Stokes, 1885 – J. Protozool. – 27: 72 - 79.
  • Eine Neubeschreibung von Calyptotricha lanuginosum Penard, 1922 (Ciliata, Scuticociliatida)Norbert Wilbert, Wilhelm Foissner
    Norbert Wilbert, Wilhelm Foissner (1980): Eine Neubeschreibung von Calyptotricha lanuginosum Penard, 1922 (Ciliata, Scuticociliatida) – Archiv für Protistenkunde – 123_1980: 12 - 21.
  • Eine Neubeschreibung von *Calyptotricha lanuginosum* #Penard#, 1922 (Ciliata, Scuticociliatida)Norbert Wilbert, Wilhelm Foissner
    Norbert Wilbert, Wilhelm Foissner (1980): Eine Neubeschreibung von *Calyptotricha lanuginosum* #Penard#, 1922 (Ciliata, Scuticociliatida) – Arch. Protistenkunde – 123: 12 - 21.
  • Morphologie, Infraciliatur und Ökologie der limnischen Tintinnina: *Tintinnidium fluviatile*…Wilhelm Foissner, Norbert Wilbert
    Wilhelm Foissner, Norbert Wilbert (1979): Morphologie, Infraciliatur und Ökologie der limnischen Tintinnina: *Tintinnidium fluviatile* #Stein#, *Tintinnidium pusillum* #Entz#, *Tintinnopsis cylindrata* #Daday# und *Codonella cratera* (#Leidy#) (Ciliophora, Polyhymenophora) – J. Protozool. – 26: 90 - 103.
  • Morphologie, Infraciliatur und Silberliniensystem von *Protoopalina symphysodonis* nov. spec. …Wilhelm Foissner, G. Schubert, Norbert Wilbert
    Wilhelm Foissner, G. Schubert, Norbert Wilbert (1979): Morphologie, Infraciliatur und Silberliniensystem von *Protoopalina symphysodonis* nov. spec. (Protozoa: Opalinata), einer Opalinidae aus dem Intestinum von *Symphysodon aequifasciata* #Pellegrin# (Percoidei: Cichlidae) – Zoologischer Anzeiger. Diario....adnexa. Siehe: Bibliographia Zoologica. Supplementband. Siehe: Verh.der Deutschen Zool.Gesellschaft. – 202: 71 - 85.
  • Taxonomische Untersuchungen an Ophrydium versatile O. P. Müller 1786 (Ciliophora, Peritrichida)Norbert Wilbert
    Norbert Wilbert (1977): Taxonomische Untersuchungen an Ophrydium versatile O. P. Müller 1786 (Ciliophora, Peritrichida) – Archiv für Protistenkunde – 119_1977: 54 - 59.
  • Une méthode simple d'étude expérimentale de l'écologie des cilies libresNorbert Wilbert
    Norbert Wilbert (1977): Une méthode simple d'étude expérimentale de l'écologie des cilies libres – Ann. Biol. – 16: 545 - 562.
  • Taxonomische Untersuchungen an Ophrydium versatile O. F. Müller, 1786 (Ciliophora, …Norbert Wilbert
    Norbert Wilbert (1977): Taxonomische Untersuchungen an Ophrydium versatile O. F. Müller, 1786 (Ciliophora, Peritrichida) – Arch. Protistenkunde – 119: 54 - 59.
  • A standardized method for identifying and counting the vagile and sessile periphytonNorbert Wilbert
    Norbert Wilbert (1976): A standardized method for identifying and counting the vagile and sessile periphyton – Oecologia – 24: 343 - 347.
  • Sur l'ultrastructure de *Paranophrys thompsoni* n. sp. (Oligohymenophora Scuticociliatida)Pierra Didier, Norbert Wilbert
    Pierra Didier, Norbert Wilbert (1976): Sur l'ultrastructure de *Paranophrys thompsoni* n. sp. (Oligohymenophora Scuticociliatida) – Protistologica – 12(2): 341 - 350.
  • Sur une nouvelle espèce de cilié hyménostome: Paranophrys thompsoni n. sp. cohabitant avec…Pierra Didier, Norbert Wilbert
    Pierra Didier, Norbert Wilbert (1976): Sur une nouvelle espèce de cilié hyménostome: Paranophrys thompsoni n. sp. cohabitant avec l'infusoire Espejoia mucicola dans les pontes de chironomides – Protistologica – 12(2): 335 - 340.
  • Eine verbesserte Technik der Protargolimprägnation für CiliatenNorbert Wilbert
    Norbert Wilbert (1975): Eine verbesserte Technik der Protargolimprägnation für Ciliaten – Proc. Jap. Soc. Syst. Zool. – 6: 171 - 179.
  • Morphologie und Taxonomie einiger Ciliaten eines kanadischen PräriebodensUlrich Buitkamp, Norbert Wilbert
    Ulrich Buitkamp, Norbert Wilbert (1974): Morphologie und Taxonomie einiger Ciliaten eines kanadischen Präriebodens – Acta Protozool. – 13: 201 - 210.
  • Le genre Espejoia Burger, 1908: Morphologie et morphogenése dans deux espèces, E. mucicola…Ghislaine Fryd-Versavel, F. Iftode, Norbert Wilbert
    Ghislaine Fryd-Versavel, F. Iftode, Norbert Wilbert (1974): Le genre Espejoia Burger, 1908: Morphologie et morphogenése dans deux espèces, E. mucicola Penard 1922 et E. culex Smith 1897 – Protistologica – 10(3): 301 - 309.
  • Zur Morphologie und Ökologie von Trochilia minuta Roux, 1901 (Ciliata, Cyrtophorina)K. Heuss, Norbert Wilbert
    K. Heuss, Norbert Wilbert (1973): Zur Morphologie und Ökologie von Trochilia minuta Roux, 1901 (Ciliata, Cyrtophorina) – Gewässer und Abwässer – 52: 32 - 43.
  • Morphologie und Ökologie einiger neuer Ciliaten (Holotricha, Cyrtophorina) des AufwuchsesNorbert Wilbert
    Norbert Wilbert (1972): Morphologie und Ökologie einiger neuer Ciliaten (Holotricha, Cyrtophorina) des Aufwuchses – Protistologica – 7(1971): 357 - 363.
  • Ökologische Untersuchung der Aufwuchs- und Planktonciliaten eines eutrophen WeihersNorbert Wilbert
    Norbert Wilbert (1969): Ökologische Untersuchung der Aufwuchs- und Planktonciliaten eines eutrophen Weihers – Arch. Hydrobiol. – 4: 411 - 518.