Articles (3)

  • Walter Kurz, Franz Neubauer, Wolfgang Unzog, Johann Genser, Xianda Wang (2000): Quartz, Dolomite and Calcite Microstructures and Textures within the Tauern Window (Eastern Alps) – Jahrbuch der Geologischen Bundesanstalt – 142: 33 - 71.
  • Variation of Quartz Textures within the Plattengneiss of the Koralm Complex (Eastern Alps). Walter Kurz, Wolfgang Unzog
    Walter Kurz, Wolfgang Unzog (1999): Variation of Quartz Textures within the Plattengneiss of the Koralm Complex (Eastern Alps). – Mitt. Naturwiss. Ver. Steiermark – 129: 33 - 42.
  • Walter Kurz, Wolfgang Unzog (1999): Variation of Quartz Textures within the Plattengneiss of the Koralm Complex (Eastern Alps). – Mitteilungen des naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins für Steiermark – 129: 33 - 42.