Articles (3)

  • Mario Rossi, Giuseppe Santi (2011): Ursus deningeri-spelaeus group from Cerè Cave (Veneto, North Italy) in the new evolutionary frame of the cave bear. Part one: skulls and mandibles – Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien – 113A: 567 - 590.
  • Alessandro de Carlis, Enrico Alluvione, Alessandro Fonte, Mario Rossi, Giuseppe Santi (2005): Morphometry of the Ursus spelaeus remains from Valstrona (northern Italy) – Geo.Alp – 002: 115 - 126.
  • Cinzia Galli, Mario Rossi, Giuseppe Santi (2005): Ursus spelaeus Rosenmüller, 1794 from the venetian region of northern Italy: preliminary notes on ist evolutionary path – Geo.Alp – 002: 107 - 113.