Editors: Editor-in-chief:
Karl Krainer, Innsbruck
Technical editor/Layout:
Monika Tessadri-Wackerle
Karl Krainer, Institute of Geology and Paleontology, University of Innsbruck, Innrain 52, A-6020 Innsbruck, Austria
Benno Baumgarten, Naturmuseum Südtirol/Museo Scienze Naturali Alto Adige,
Bindergasse 1/Via Bottai 1, I-39100 Bozen/Bolzano, Italy:
E-Mail: benno.baumgarten[at]
Publisher: Url:, Naturmuseum Bozen/Museo Scienze Naturali Alto Adige, Bolzano/Bozen, Italy
Contents: Geo.Alp is an annual journal joint-edited by the Institute of Geology and Palaeontology Innsbruck (Austria) with the Naturmuseum Bozen (Italy). Geo.Alp is the successor of the former "Geologisch-Paläontologisch Mitteilungen Innsbruck". The size format is A4. Geo.Alp is devoted to all aspects of Alpine geology. Topics include regional geology, structural deformation, stratigraphy, sedimentology, palaeontology-palaeoecology, mineralogy, mining, physical geography, geophysics and the history of geoscientific investigation of the Alps. The journal shall appear once a year. All submitted articles are subject to review by experts in the respective field of research. Articles may range in length from short communications to longer papers with more extensive documentation (figures, tables, plates).
Vorgängerzeitschrift: Geologisch-Paläontologische Mitteilungen Innsbruck
Publisher: Url:, Naturmuseum Bozen/Museo Scienze Naturali Alto Adige, Bolzano/Bozen, Italy
Contents: Geo.Alp is an annual journal joint-edited by the Institute of Geology and Palaeontology Innsbruck (Austria) with the Naturmuseum Bozen (Italy). Geo.Alp is the successor of the former "Geologisch-Paläontologisch Mitteilungen Innsbruck". The size format is A4. Geo.Alp is devoted to all aspects of Alpine geology. Topics include regional geology, structural deformation, stratigraphy, sedimentology, palaeontology-palaeoecology, mineralogy, mining, physical geography, geophysics and the history of geoscientific investigation of the Alps. The journal shall appear once a year. All submitted articles are subject to review by experts in the respective field of research. Articles may range in length from short communications to longer papers with more extensive documentation (figures, tables, plates).
Vorgängerzeitschrift: Geologisch-Paläontologische Mitteilungen Innsbruck
Volumes (22)
- 0021 (2024): Geo.Alp 21
- 0020 (2023): Geo.Alp 20
- 0019 (2022): Geo.Alp 19
- 17 (2021): Geo.Alp 17
- 0018 (2021): Geo.Alp 18
- 0016 (2019): Geo.Alp 16
- 0015 (2018): Geo.Alp 15
- 0014 (2017): Geo.Alp 14
- 013 (2016): Geo.Alp 13
- 012 (2016): Geo.Alp 12
- 011 (2014): Geo.Alp 11
- 010 (2013): Geo.Alp 10
- 009 (2012): Geo.Alp 9
- 008 (2011): Geo.Alp 8
- 007 (2010): Geo.Alp 7
- 006 (2009): Geo.Alp 6
- 005 (2008): Geo.Alp 5
- SB001 (2007): Geo.Alp Sonderband 1
- 004 (2007): Geo.Alp 4
- 003 (2006): Geo.Alp 3
- 002 (2005): Geo.Alp 2
- 001 (2004): Geo.Alp 1