Sydowia. Beihefte (Festschrift Prof. M. Moser).

Series/Periodical/Journal: Sydowia

Editors: Executive Editor: Irmgard Krisai-Greilhuber, Department für Botanik und Biodiversitätsforschung, Universität Wien, Rennweg 14, 1030 Wien, E-Mail: Irmgard Greilhuber
Publisher: Druckerei Berger, Horn, Wienerstraße 21-23, Austria Tel.: 0043-2982-4161-0 E-Mail: Verlag Berger URL:
Contents: Originalarbeiten mykologischen Inhalts ohne geografische Beschränkungen. Sydowia appears twice a year. The two issues (one volume) can not be obtained separtely. Price for the yearly subscription or per volume: institutional Euro 85.-; individual Euro 72,60.-. Sydowia can not be obtained in exchange for other journals.

SYDOWIA publishes reports of original research relevant to fungal taxonomy, systematics, evolution, structure, development, ecology, pathology (plants, animals, humans), and biotechnological applications. Reviews are published in areas of particular interest and current importance, but authors should consult the Editor before submitting a review manuscript. One volume of the journal, comprising two issues, is published each year. The official journal language is English. Sydowia contents are covered in the Science Citation Index®, SCOPUS, SciSearch®, Research Alert®, and Current Contents®/Agriculture, Biology, and Environmental Sciences.


Articles (18)

  • Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. M. Moser; Foreign member of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. S. P. Wasser
    S. P. Wasser (1995): Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. M. Moser; Foreign member of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. – Sydowia – X: 1 - 4.
  • Some rare and interesting Cortinarius species associated with Salix repens. Eef Arnolds, Thomas W. Kuyper
    Eef Arnolds, Thomas W. Kuyper (1995): Some rare and interesting Cortinarius species associated with Salix repens. – Sydowia – X: 5 - 27.
  • Die Trichterlinge (Clitocybe) der Sekt. Infundibuliformes Fr. und ihre Reaktion gegenüber…Francesco Bellu [Bellú]
    Francesco Bellu [Bellú] (1995): Die Trichterlinge (Clitocybe) der Sekt. Infundibuliformes Fr. und ihre Reaktion gegenüber Kalilauge. – Sydowia – X: 28 - 34.
  • Ploidy levels and evolution in Boletales. Andreas Bresinsky, B. Wittmann-Bresinsky
    Andreas Bresinsky, B. Wittmann-Bresinsky (1995): Ploidy levels and evolution in Boletales. – Sydowia – X: 35 - 47.
  • Cellular toxicity of orellanine: a short review. E. Feifel, M. M. Rohrmoser, G. Gstraunthaler
    E. Feifel, M. M. Rohrmoser, G. Gstraunthaler (1995): Cellular toxicity of orellanine: a short review. – Sydowia – X: 48 - 61.
  • Inocybe sericeopoda sp. n. . Cuno Furrer-Ziogas
    Cuno Furrer-Ziogas (1995): Inocybe sericeopoda sp. n.. – Sydowia – X: 62 - 66.
  • An unusual species of Wardomyces (Hyphomycetes). Walter Gams
    Walter Gams (1995): An unusual species of Wardomyces (Hyphomycetes). – Sydowia – X: 67 - 72.
  • New pigments of Cortinarius Fr. and Dermocybe (Fr. ) Wünsche (Agaricales) from Australia and New…M. Gill
    M. Gill (1995): New pigments of Cortinarius Fr. and Dermocybe (Fr.) Wünsche (Agaricales) from Australia and New Zealand. – Sydowia – X: 73 - 87.
  • Radiocesium in fungi: Accumulation pattern in the Kiev district of Ukraine including the Chernobyl…A. A. Grodzinskaya, S. P. Wasser, Michael Berreck, Kurt Haselwandter
    A. A. Grodzinskaya, S. P. Wasser, Michael Berreck, Kurt Haselwandter (1995): Radiocesium in fungi: Accumulation pattern in the Kiev district of Ukraine including the Chernobyl zone. – Sydowia – X: 88 - 96.
  • Conocybe roseipes, a new species from loess slopes in eastern Austria. Anton Hausknecht
    Anton Hausknecht (1995): Conocybe roseipes, a new species from loess slopes in eastern Austria. – Sydowia – X: 97 - 100.
  • Cortinarius Fr. (Agaricales) in Australasia. 2. Subgen. Phlegmacium in Papua New Guinea. Egon Horak
    Egon Horak (1995): Cortinarius Fr. (Agaricales) in Australasia. 2. Subgen. Phlegmacium in Papua New Guinea. – Sydowia – X: 101 - 126.
  • Chemotaxonomic studies on the pigmentation of North American species of Dermocybe (Fr. ) Wünsche,…Gerwin Keller, Joseph F. Ammirati
    Gerwin Keller, Joseph F. Ammirati (1995): Chemotaxonomic studies on the pigmentation of North American species of Dermocybe (Fr.) Wünsche, section Dermocybe and related species. – Sydowia – X: 127 - 136.
  • Hohenbuehelia cyphelliformis - a rare pleurotoid fungus in Austria. Irmgard Krisai-Greilhuber
    Irmgard Krisai-Greilhuber (1995): Hohenbuehelia cyphelliformis - a rare pleurotoid fungus in Austria. – Sydowia – X: 137 - 141.
  • Dermocybe, section Sanguineae: A look at species relationships within the sanguinea complex. Y. Liu, S. O. Rogers, Joseph F. Ammirati, Gerwin Keller
    Y. Liu, S. O. Rogers, Joseph F. Ammirati, Gerwin Keller (1995): Dermocybe, section Sanguineae: A look at species relationships within the sanguinea complex. – Sydowia – X: 142 - 154.
  • Omphalina sensu lato in North America 3: Chromosera gen. nov. . S. A. Redhead, Joseph F. Ammirati, L. L. Norvell
    S. A. Redhead, Joseph F. Ammirati, L. L. Norvell (1995): Omphalina sensu lato in North America 3: Chromosera gen. nov.. – Sydowia – X: 155 - 167.
  • Mykologisch-lichenologische Untersuchungen im Naturwaldreservat Kesselfall (Salzburg, …Thomas Rücker, Helmut Wittmann
    Thomas Rücker, Helmut Wittmann (1995): Mykologisch-lichenologische Untersuchungen im Naturwaldreservat Kesselfall (Salzburg, Österreich) als Diskussionsbeitrag für Kryptogamenschutzkonzepte in Waldökosystemen. – Sydowia – X: 168 - 191.
  • Konkurrenzverhalten von Amanita muscaria und Cenococcum geophilum bei in…Stefan Thurner, Reinhold Pöder
    Stefan Thurner, Reinhold Pöder (1995): Konkurrenzverhalten von Amanita muscaria und Cenococcum geophilum bei in vitro-Ektomykorrhizasynthesen an Picea abies. – Sydowia – X: 192 - 205.
  • Index. Anonymus
    Anonymus (1995): Index. – Sydowia – X: 207 - 212.