Plant Systematics and Evolution 164

Series/Periodical/Journal: Österreichische Botanische Zeitschrift = Plant Systematics and Evolution

Editors: Queries about submission issues, peer review process, or the status of your manuscript should be sent to Barbora Singliarova (external support: or Harini Balasubramanian ( or Katarína Olšavská (external support:
History: This journal was founded in 1851 as the "Österreichisches Botanisches Wochenblatt" by A. Skofitz, published from 1858 to 1973 as the "Österreichische Botanische Zeitschrift," and thereafter as Plant Systematics and Evolution. Among its editors were R. v. Wettstein, E. Janchen, F. Knoll, L. Geitler, and F. Ehrendorfer. It is dedicated to publishing original papers and reviews on plant systematics in the broadest sense, encompassing evolutionary, phylogenetic and biogeographical studies at the populational, specific, higher taxonomic levels. The taxonomic emphasis is on green plants. The range of topics covered includes plant systematics and evolution, phytochemistry, ultrastructure, cytology, anatomy, palynology, plant development, genetics, reproductive biology, ecology, distribution, palaeobotany and population genetics. Zur 100. Ausgabe der Zeitschrift (aus Österreichische Botanische Zeitschrift Bd. 100) Zum 25-jährigen Bestehen der Österreichischen Botanischen Zeitschrift (aus Österr. Bot. Zeitschrift Bd 25)

ISSN: 0378-2697 (print version) ISSN: 1615-6110 (electronic version)


Articles (23)

  • Lothar Geitler zum 90. Geburtstag am 18. Mai 1989 Anonymous
    Anonymous (1989): Lothar Geitler zum 90. Geburtstag am 18. Mai 1989 – Österreichische Botanische Zeitschrift = Plant Systematics and Evolution – 164: 1.
  • Lothar Geitler on the occasion of his 90th birthday on May 18th 1989 Anonymous
    Anonymous (1989): Lothar Geitler on the occasion of his 90th birthday on May 18th 1989 – Österreichische Botanische Zeitschrift = Plant Systematics and Evolution – 164: 2.
  • List of publications of Lothar Geitler (since 1979) Anonymous
    Anonymous (1989): List of publications of Lothar Geitler (since 1979) – Österreichische Botanische Zeitschrift = Plant Systematics and Evolution – 164: 3.
  • Subjects and taxa treated in the scientific work of Lothar GeitlerA. Weber, M. Kiehn, Susanne Sontag
    A. Weber, M. Kiehn, Susanne Sontag (1989): Subjects and taxa treated in the scientific work of Lothar Geitler – Österreichische Botanische Zeitschrift = Plant Systematics and Evolution – 164: 5 - 15.
  • Heteropolarity in unicellular cyanobacteria: structure and development of Cyanocystis violaceaMaoSen Hua, E. Imre Friedmann, Roseli Ocampo-Friedmann, Susan B. Campbell
    MaoSen Hua, E. Imre Friedmann, Roseli Ocampo-Friedmann, Susan B. Campbell (1989): Heteropolarity in unicellular cyanobacteria: structure and development of Cyanocystis violacea – Österreichische Botanische Zeitschrift = Plant Systematics and Evolution – 164: 17 - 26.
  • Alternative models for the development of the pattern of spaced heterocysts in Anabaena (Cyanophyta)C. P. Wolk
    C.P. Wolk (1989): Alternative models for the development of the pattern of spaced heterocysts in Anabaena (Cyanophyta) – Österreichische Botanische Zeitschrift = Plant Systematics and Evolution – 164: 27 - 31.
  • Geitlerinema, a new genus of oscillatorialean cyanophytesKonstantinos Anagnostidis
    Konstantinos Anagnostidis (1989): Geitlerinema, a new genus of oscillatorialean cyanophytes – Österreichische Botanische Zeitschrift = Plant Systematics and Evolution – 164: 33 - 46.
  • Trichome structure of four Aphanizomenon taxa (Cyanophyceae) from Czechoslovakia, with notes on…Jiri Komárek, L'Ubomir Kovacik
    Jiri Komárek, L'Ubomir Kovacik (1989): Trichome structure of four Aphanizomenon taxa (Cyanophyceae) from Czechoslovakia, with notes on the taxonomy and delimitation of the genus – Österreichische Botanische Zeitschrift = Plant Systematics and Evolution – 164: 47 - 64.
  • Ultrastructure of Cyanoptyche gloeocystis f. dispersa (Glaucocystophyceae)Ludwig Kies
    Ludwig Kies (1989): Ultrastructure of Cyanoptyche gloeocystis f. dispersa (Glaucocystophyceae) – Österreichische Botanische Zeitschrift = Plant Systematics and Evolution – 164: 65 - 73.
  • Gymnodinium aeruginosum (Dinophyta): a blue-green dinoflagellate with a vestigial, anucleate, …E. Schnepf, S. Winter, Dieter Mollenhauer
    E. Schnepf, S. Winter, Dieter Mollenhauer (1989): Gymnodinium aeruginosum (Dinophyta): a blue-green dinoflagellate with a vestigial, anucleate, cryptophycean endosymbiont – Österreichische Botanische Zeitschrift = Plant Systematics and Evolution – 164: 75 - 91.
  • Flagellar apparatus ultrastructure in Mesostigma viride (Prasinophyceae)Michael Melkonian
    Michael Melkonian (1989): Flagellar apparatus ultrastructure in Mesostigma viride (Prasinophyceae) – Österreichische Botanische Zeitschrift = Plant Systematics and Evolution – 164: 93 - 122.
  • Three new green coccoid zoospore-producing algae from the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, …T. R. Deason, W. R. Herndon
    T.R. Deason, W.R. Herndon (1989): Three new green coccoid zoospore-producing algae from the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Tennessee, U.S.A. – Österreichische Botanische Zeitschrift = Plant Systematics and Evolution – 164: 123 - 132.
  • Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis von Apatococcus lobatus (Chlorophyta, Chaetophorales, Leptosiroideae)Georg Gärtner, Elisabeth Ingolic
    Georg Gärtner, Elisabeth Ingolic (1989): Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis von Apatococcus lobatus (Chlorophyta, Chaetophorales, Leptosiroideae) – Österreichische Botanische Zeitschrift = Plant Systematics and Evolution – 164: 133 - 143.
  • Comparative ultrastructure of pyrenoids in Trebouxia (Microthamniales, Chlorophyta)Thomas Friedl
    Thomas Friedl (1989): Comparative ultrastructure of pyrenoids in Trebouxia (Microthamniales, Chlorophyta) – Österreichische Botanische Zeitschrift = Plant Systematics and Evolution – 164: 145 - 159.
  • Developmental studies in trebouxioid algae and taxonomical consequencesElisabeth Tschermak-Woess
    Elisabeth Tschermak-Woess (1989): Developmental studies in trebouxioid algae and taxonomical consequences – Österreichische Botanische Zeitschrift = Plant Systematics and Evolution – 164: 161 - 195.
  • Cell multiplication and ultrastructure of Micrasterias denticulata (Desmidiaceae) grown under salt…Ursula Meindl, Doris Wittmann-Pinegger, Oswald Kiermayer
    Ursula Meindl, Doris Wittmann-Pinegger, Oswald Kiermayer (1989): Cell multiplication and ultrastructure of Micrasterias denticulata (Desmidiaceae) grown under salt stress – Österreichische Botanische Zeitschrift = Plant Systematics and Evolution – 164: 197 - 208.
  • Mallomonas alphaphora (Chrysophyceae), a new species from Western AustraliaHans R. Preisig
    Hans R. Preisig (1989): Mallomonas alphaphora (Chrysophyceae), a new species from Western Australia – Österreichische Botanische Zeitschrift = Plant Systematics and Evolution – 164: 209 - 214.
  • The species concept in diatoms: evidence for morphologically distinct, sympatric gamodemes in…D. G. Mann
    D.G. Mann (1989): The species concept in diatoms: evidence for morphologically distinct, sympatric gamodemes in four epipelic species – Österreichische Botanische Zeitschrift = Plant Systematics and Evolution – 164: 215 - 237.
  • Geitler's "Plattenband" in the diatom Synedra cf. Ulna in the light of TEM investigationsAnna-Maria M. Schmid
    Anna-Maria M. Schmid (1989): Geitler's "Plattenband" in the diatom Synedra cf. Ulna in the light of TEM investigations – Österreichische Botanische Zeitschrift = Plant Systematics and Evolution – 164: 239 - 252.
  • New observations on Porphyridium griseum GEITLER = Rhodella grisea (GEITLER ) comb, nova…J. Fresnel, C. Billard, F. Hindák, B. Pekarkova
    J. Fresnel, C. Billard, F. Hindák, B. Pekarkova (1989): New observations on Porphyridium griseum GEITLER = Rhodella grisea (GEITLER ) comb, nova (Porphyridiales, Rhodophyceae) – Österreichische Botanische Zeitschrift = Plant Systematics and Evolution – 164: 253 - 262.
  • Cell morphology and growth characteristics of Porphyridium aerugineum (Rhodophyta)B. Pekarkova, Jan Smarda, Frantisek Hindak
    B. Pekarkova, Jan Smarda, Frantisek Hindak (1989): Cell morphology and growth characteristics of Porphyridium aerugineum (Rhodophyta) – Österreichische Botanische Zeitschrift = Plant Systematics and Evolution – 164: 263 - 272.
  • Desmarestia antarctica (Desmarestiales, Phaeophyceae), a new ligulate Antarctic species with an…Richard L. Moe, Paul C. Silva
    Richard L. Moe, Paul C. Silva (1989): Desmarestia antarctica (Desmarestiales, Phaeophyceae), a new ligulate Antarctic species with an endophytic gametophyte – Österreichische Botanische Zeitschrift = Plant Systematics and Evolution – 164: 273 - 283.
  • Lateral hydrodynamic effects of rotating filamentsRobert Jarosch
    Robert Jarosch (1989): Lateral hydrodynamic effects of rotating filaments – Österreichische Botanische Zeitschrift = Plant Systematics and Evolution – 164: 285 - 322.