Natural and Cultural History of the Golfo Dulce Region, Costa Rica

Series/Periodical/Journal: Stapfia

Editors: Die redaktionelle Betreuung der Schriftenreihe liegt in den Händen von Dr. Christian Bräuchler
Publisher: Land Oberösterreich, Oberösterreichisches Landesmuseum, Biologiezentrum/OÖ LANDES-KULTUR GMBH; Geschäftsführer: Prof. Mag. Dr. Alfred Weidinger, Mag. Manfred Mandl-Kiblböck
History: Diese Schriftenreihe wurde 1977 ins Leben gerufen.
Contents: Die Bände enthalten umfangreiche Monographien, die Ausstellungskataloge des Biologiezentrums oder Symposionsbeiträge.Etwa ein Viertel der Arbeiten beziehen sich auf zoologische Themen.
Bestellmöglichkeit gedruckter Ausgaben: Online-Bestellung von Stapfia

Die Schriftenreihe "Stapfia" wurde nach dem international bekannten oberösterreichischen Botaniker Otto Stapf benannt, der am 23. März 1857 in Perneck bei Bad Ischl geboren wurde. Er studierte bei Prof. Wiesner an der Universität Wien, wo er 1882 promovierte und sich 1887 habilitierte. Nach Sammelreisen im Orient wurde Otto Stapf 1891 als "Assistent für Indien" an den königlich-botanischen Garten in Kew bei London berufen und 1909 zum Assistent-Direktor des Royal Herbariums ernannt. Seine Arbeiten, u.a. als Herausgeber des "Botanical Magazine" und des sechsbändigen "Index Londinensis" wurden mit zahlreichen Anerkennungen gewürdigt. Im Ruhestand 1922 kehrte Otto Stapf wiederholt nach Österreich zurück, wo er am 3. August 1922 in Innsbruck starb.
ISSN: 0252-192X


Articles (68)

  • (2008): Preface by Dr. Pedro Leon Coordinator President Aria's Initiative on Peace with Nature – Stapfia – 0088: 11.
  • (2008): Preface by O. Univ. Prof . Dr. Georg Winckler Rector of the University Vienna – Stapfia – 0088: 12.
  • (2008): Preface by Dr. Josef Pühringer Governor of Upper Austria – Stapfia – 0088: 13.
  • (2008): Introduction – Stapfia – 0088: 14 - 17.
  • Anton Weissenhofer, Werner Huber, Michael Klingler (2008): Geography of the Golfo Dulce region – Stapfia – 0088: 19 - 21.
  • Otto Malzer, Markus Fiebig (2008): Outline of the geology of the Golfo Dulce region (Costa Rica) and its surroundings in Central America – Stapfia – 0088: 23 - 30.
  • Lorenz E. A. Scheucher, Walter Vortisch, Jorge Laguna-Morales (2008): Geological and mineralogical investigations of the lithologies and their weathering products in a study area south-west of the field station "La Gamba", Golfo Dulce, Costa Rica – Stapfia – 0088: 31 - 45.
  • Peter Bossew, Alexander Hubmer, Friederike Strebl (2008): Anthropogenic and natural radionuclides in soil of a tropical rainforest of Southern Costa Rica – Stapfia – 0088: 47 - 58.
  • Anton Weissenhofer, Werner Huber (2008): The climate of the Esquinas rainforest – Stapfia – 0088: 59 - 62.
  • Anton Weissenhofer, Werner Huber, Tatjana Koukal, Markus Immitzer, Eva Schembera, Susanne Sontag, Nelson Zamora, Anton Weber (2008): Ecosystem diversity in the Piedras Blancas National Park and adjacent areas (Costa Rica), with the first vegetation map of the area – Stapfia – 0088: 65 - 96.
  • Werner Huber, Anton Weissenhofer, Nelson Zamora, Anton Weber (2008): Plant diversity and biogeography of the Golfo Dulce region, Costa Rica – Stapfia – 0088: 97 - 103.
  • Werner Huber, Anton Weissenhofer, Franz Essl (2008): Alien plants and invasion patterns in different habitats of the Golfo Dulce area, Costa Rica – Stapfia – 0088: 105 - 110.
  • Sabine Will, Michael Kiehn (2008): Survey of Rubiaceae in the Golfo Dulce area, Costa Rica: new species, combinations and name changes since 2001 – Stapfia – 0088: 111 - 120.
  • Reinhard Länger (2008): Medicinal plants in La Gamba and in the Esquinas rainforest – Stapfia – 0088: 121 - 127.
  • Peter Hietz (2008): Plant life forms in the Golfo Dulce region and other neotropical rainforests – Stapfia – 0088: 129 - 142.
  • Anton Weissenhofer, Werner Huber, Wolfgang Wanek, Anton Weber (2008): RICKTerrestrial litter trappers in the Golfo Dulce region: diversity, architecture and ecology of a poorly known group of plant specialists – Stapfia – 0088: 143 - 154.
  • Wolfgang Wanek, Sigrid Drage, Nina Hinko, Florian P. Hofhansl, Eva-Maria Pölz, Andrea Ratzer, Andreas Richter (2008): Primary production and nutrient cycling in lowland rainforests of the Golfo Dulce region – Stapfia – 0088: 155 - 177.
  • Meike Piepenbring, Armando Ruiz-Boyer (2008): Diversity and ecology of fungi in the Golfo Dulce region – Stapfia – 0088: 179 - 192.
  • Othmar Breuss (2008): The lichens of the Golfo Dulce region – Stapfia – 0088: 193 - 208.
  • Friedrich G. Barth (2008): Cupiennius (Araneae, Ctenidae): Biology and sensory ecology of a model spider – Stapfia – 0088: 211 - 224.
  • Friedrich G. Barth, Detlev Cordes (2008): Key to the genus Cupiennius (Araneae, Ctenidae) – Stapfia – 0088: 225 - 228.
  • Christian H. Schulze (2008): Diversity, biogeography and ecology of insects in the Pacific lowlands of Costa Rica with emphasis on La Gamba – Stapfia – 0088: 229 - 236.
  • Florian P. Hofhansl, Stefan Schneeweihs (2008): Banderillas: Effects of deforestation on dragonflies (Insecta, Odonata) in the Pacific lowland of Costa Rica – Stapfia – 0088: 237 - 247.
  • Lasse Hubweber (2008): Longhorn beetles (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) of the Golfo Dulce region, Costa Rica – Stapfia – 0088: 249 - 256.
  • Maria Helene Gruber, Linde Morawetz, Martin Wiemers (2008): Diversity of Euglossini (Hymenoptera, Apidae) in primary and secondary lowland rainforests in south-western Costa Rica – Stapfia – 0088: 257 - 266.
  • Stefan Jarau, Friedrich G. Barth (2008): Stingless bees of the Golfo Dulce region, Costa Rica (Hymenoptera, Apidae, Apinae, Meliponini) – Stapfia – 0088: 267 - 276.
  • Martin Wiemers, Konrad Fiedler (2008): Butterfly diversity of the Piedras Blancas National Park and its vicinity - a preliminary assessment (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea & Hesperioidea) – Stapfia – 0088: 277 - 294.
  • Harald W. Krenn (2008): Feeding behaviours of neotropical butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) – Stapfia – 0088: 295 - 304.
  • Gerlinde Höbel (2008): The amphibians and reptiles of the Golfo Dulce region – Stapfia – 0088: 305 - 328.
  • Gerlinde Höbel (2008): Plasticity and geographic variation in the reproductive ecology of gladiator frogs, particularly Hypsiboas rosenbergi – Stapfia – 0088: 329 - 334.
  • Elke A. Vockenhuber, Walter Hödl, Ulrike Karpfen (2008): Reproductive behaviour of the glass frog Hyalinobatrachium valerioi (Anura: Centrolenidae) at the tropical stream Quebrada Negra (La Gamba, Costa Rica) – Stapfia – 0088: 335 - 348.
  • Gerhard Aubrecht, Christian H. Schulze (2008): Birds of La Gamba - a call for research and scientific collaboration – Stapfia – 0088: 349 - 351.
  • Graham Tebb (2008): The birds of La Gamba – Stapfia – 0088: 353 - 380.
  • Gerhard Aubrecht (2008): Habia atrimaxillaris (DWIGHT & GRISCOM) 1924 - the black-cheeked ant-tanager. History of an endemic bird species from SW Costa Rica, from discovery to endangered status – Stapfia – 0088: 381 - 394.
  • Christian H. Schulze, Isabell Riedl (2008): Bird assemblages of forested and human-modified countryside habitats in the Pacific lowlands of southern Costa Rica – Stapfia – 0088: 395 - 408.
  • Armin Landmann, Christoph Walder, Anton Vorauer, Timm Emser (2008): Mammals of the Piedras Blancas National Park, Costa Rica: species composition, habitat associations and efficiency of research methods - a preliminary overview – Stapfia – 0088: 409 - 422.
  • Armin Landmann, Christoph Walder, Anton Vorauer, Sonja Bohn, Moritz Weinbeer (2008): Bats of the La Gamba region, Esquinas rainforest, Costa Rica: species diversity, guild structure and niche segregation – Stapfia – 0088: 423 - 440.
  • Julia Tschelaut, Christian Pichler, Anton Weissenhofer, Fritz Schiemer (2008): The river network of the Piedras Blancas National Park, Costa Rica – Stapfia – 0088: 441 - 455.
  • Julia Tschelaut, Anton Weissenhofer, Fritz Schiemer (2008): Macroinvertebrates and leaf litter decomposition in a neotropical lowland stream, Quebrada Negra, Costa Rica – Stapfia – 0088: 457 - 466.
  • Astrid Riemerth, Maria Gusenleitner, Fritz Schiemer, Gerhard Draxler, Wolfgang Wanek (2008): The role of leaf anatomy and tannins in litter decay in a tropical stream – Stapfia – 0088: 467 - 484.
  • Emmy R. Wöss (2008): Freshwater bryozoans in La Gamba (Costa Rica: Piedras Blancas National Park): a general introduction – Stapfia – 0088: 485 - 494.
  • Christian Pichler, Fritz Schiemer (2008): Ecology of fishes of Quebrada Negra, Costa Rica, a first order neotropical lowland stream – Stapfia – 0088: 495 - 505.
  • Anton Weber (2008): Pollination in the plants of the Golfo Dulce area – Stapfia – 0088: 509 - 538.
  • Julissa Rojas-Sandoval, Katharina Budde, Mauricio Fernandez, Eduardo Chacon, Mauricio Quesada, Jorge A. Lobo (2008): Phenology and pollination biology of Ceiba pentandra (Bombacaceae) in the wet forest of southeastern Costa Rica – Stapfia – 0088: 539 - 545.
  • Jorge A. Lobo, Reinaldo Aguilar, Eduardo Chacon, Eric Fuchs (2008): Phenology of tree species of the Osa Peninsula and Golfo Dulce region, Costa Rica – Stapfia – 0088: 547 - 555.
  • Regine Claßen-Bockhoff, Ariane Heller (2008): Style release experiments in four species of Marantaceae from the Golfo Dulce area, Costa Rica – Stapfia – 0088: 557 - 571.
  • Gerlinde Witschnig, Claudia Hickel, Anton Weber (2008): Notes on the pollination of the perfume flowers of Gloxinia perennis (Gesneriaceae) by euglossine bees – Stapfia – 0088: 573 - 578.
  • Anton Weber (2008): Scientific work of Austrian students in the "Austrian rainforest" (Piedras Blancas National Park, Costa Rica), with special regard to pollination studies – Stapfia – 0088: 579 - 588.
  • Renate Fischer, Veronika E. Mayer (2008): A house in the tropics: full pension for ants in Piper plants – Stapfia – 0088: 589 - 598.
  • Maria Thurner, Veronika E. Mayer (2008): Does nectar production reduce herbivore pressure on Passiflora species (Passifloraceae) in a tropical rainforest in Costa Rica? – Stapfia – 0088: 599 - 606.
  • Claudio Barrantes Cartin (2008): Indigenous societies of the south east of Costa Rica, 15th century – Stapfia – 0088: 609 - 630.
  • Clyde S. Stephens (2008): The stone balls of Palmar – Stapfia – 0088: 631 - 633.
  • Clyde S. Stephens (2008): Impacts of the United Fruit Company in southwest Costa Rica – Stapfia – 0088: 635 - 644.
  • Clyde S. Stephens (2008): Corcovado National Park - almost a banana plantation – Stapfia – 0088: 645 - 647.
  • Michael Klingler (2008): Case study: Economic and structural settlement changes and their consequences in the community of La Gamba, Golfo Dulce region – Stapfia – 0088: 649 - 655.
  • Ronald E. Diaz Bolanos (2008): An example of scientific interchange between Europe and Latin America: the investigations of the Austrian scientific expedition to Costa Rica (1930) – Stapfia – 0088: 657 - 666.
  • Anton Weber (2008): Otto Porsch and the scientific goals and results of the Austrian Costa Rica expedition 1930 – Stapfia – 0088: 667 - 674.
  • Catherine A. Christen (2008): Before Corcovado: early conservation initiatives on the Osa Peninsula – Stapfia – 0088: 675 - 682.
  • Alvaro Ugalde (2008): Looking back to the foundation of the Corcovado National Park, a crown jewel of nature in Costa Rica – Stapfia – 0088: 683 - 691.
  • Heleen Van den Hombergh (2008): In defence of local livelihoods, the forest and the Golfo Dulce: the campaign against "Ston Forestal" in the 1990s and its historical roots – Stapfia – 0088: 693 - 700.
  • Renan Garcia (2008): The Osa biological corridor in the context of the mesoamerican biological corridor – Stapfia – 0088: 701 - 705.
  • Carlos Morera, Marilyn Romero (2008): The link between the Piedras Blancas National Park and the Fila de Cal – Stapfia – 0088: 707 - 714.
  • Anton Weissenhofer, Marianela Barquero, Werner Huber, Veronika E. Mayer, Julio Najera Umana (2008): The Biological Corridor Project in the Piedras Blancas National Park, Costa Rica. A project to preserve the biodiversity by reforestation and alternative culture, with support of the community La Gamba by new marketing strategies – Stapfia – 0088: 715 - 723.
  • Ingrid Varela Benavides, Denis Janik (2008): Reintroduction of the scarlet macaw (Ara macao) to Playa San Josecito, Golfito – Stapfia – 0088: 725 - 731.
  • Michael Schnitzler (2008): The project "Rainforest of the Austrians" – Stapfia – 0088: 733 - 738.
  • Roland Albert, Anton Weber (2008): The "Tropical Research Station La Gamba" - science, education and nature conservation in Costa Rica – Stapfia – 0088: 739 - 742.
  • Martina Fahrnberger (2008): Ecotourism in La Gamba, an economical and ecological alternative for the residents of La Gamba? – Stapfia – 0088: 743 - 754.
  • Carlos Morera (2008): Synergistic effects of ecotourism and local development on the Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica – Stapfia – 0088: 755 - 762.